After Ethan was sedated and transferred to a more isolated ward, Lionel and the rest stood outside the glass that revealed a sleeping friend in a bed, even more machines surrounding him, checking his vitals.

Beryl leaned on Lionel, Brice standing next to them. Cassie was crying on Jerry's shoulder, not wanting to see what misfortune had befallen on their friend.

"We've tried, guys. We did what we thought was best to bring him back." Lionel said, trying to console everyone.

"So we're just going to give up, just like that?" Beryl asked from his side, her face stained with tears.

"No. we won't give up just like that. We just have to keep trying to bring back his memories about us, and drag him out of his..." Lionel vaguely waved his hands.

"We just don't have a better way to do it." Brice added, his gaze fixed on the glass.

"We'll figure out a plan." Jerry said, landing a reassuring hand on Cassie's shoulder, "We'll think of something to bring him back. Right, guys?"

No one responded.

"Whatever it is you are planning, you'll need to do it elsewhere soon." a voice said behind them, scaring them.

A man in his forties stood behind them, wearing a doctor's coat. His eyes were sad and slightly depressed, like he had seen too many deaths and the dramas behind it.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but I take it that you are all friends of Ethan?" the doctor asked.

They nodded.

He took a step forward to the glass. They made way for him like he was Moses parting the Red Sea.

"Never thought that he would end up like this. He was always so enthusiastic and always smiling." the doctor said, his tone pitying.

"You know Ethan, Dr..." Brice asked.

"Benjamin." the doctor supplied, "And yes, I know Ethan. Met him in a particular sports center that had a few unique facilities. He always struck me as a potential sportsman, but who knew that behind that smile was a shaken bottle of emotion ready to explode." he sighed.

Lionel detected something in that sigh. "Wait, what's going to happen to Ethan?"

Dr. Benjamin turned back to them. "I think that I should let you know. In a few days Ethan will be transferred to a mental hospital. Those with quarantine zones."

A second shock bomb landed.

"You mean that they won't let us..." Cassie couldn't finish the question.

"Visitors are allowed inside, but it'll be like in prison. The visitor and the patient will be separated by an iron door with a window. If anything wants to be passed on to the patient, it can be passed via the small trapdoor under the door, but it must first be checked by security.

"I don't know how well you know Ethan, but I don't have anything to give nor show him to bring back his sanity. He doesn't even recognize me."

"Same here, well, except for Beryl here." Lionel indicated the girl leaning on him.

"Do you have anything that you both had shared, or cherished?" Dr. Benjamin asked.

Beryl shook her head. "I was just a girl he liked until I unintentionally made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with him."

"And you're regretting it now, aren't you?"

Beryl nodded.

"Well whatever the case is, although he can't, or won't recognize anyone, even family, I do hope that you all can think of something, or someone else, that means, or meant the world to him." with that the man in white walked down the corridor, ready to heal another patient.

"Something that means the world to him..." Brice and Lionel muttered. Their eyes met the couple, and an understanding passed between the four of them. It was a long shot, but it had a better chance of bringing Ethan back than the one before.

As for the someone, Ethan had mentioned something to Lionel ages ago. The idea was just as ridiculous, but if that someone was just as important to Ethan as he said, then the chances his mother know about this person was just as great.

He just needed to borrow a particular phone from Ethan's mom.

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