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Your birthday was approaching and you were excited as hell. Not only was it your birthday but it was also gonna be the day Tom got home from press tour. You were finally gonna be twenty-one and it was a big deal that you would get to spend it with Tom. You had everything planned. You and your Tom were gonna go on a date at this restaurant you’ve been dying to go to. Then when you get home you and tom would just sit on the couch and cuddle while watching Friends.

You made reservations to the restaurant really so everything can go as planned. You never got to talk to Tom a whole lot due to the time differences and he was always so busy but you made sure that he knew to meet you at the restaurant.You made sure he had time to get ready at home while you were at your friends house so she can do your hair and makeup.

As time passed it was finally time to leave. Your friend did your hair in perfect curls and your makeup was flawless. You were the most expensive dress you could afford. You arrived at the restaurant, excited, anxious and you were so happy. You sat at the table alone, waiting for Tom to show up.

Thirty minutes passed and you started to get worried. You thought maybe his flight got delayed. You called and called but he never picked up. Another thirty minutes and at this point you were extremely worried. You felt people giving you pity looks probably thinking you got stood up. You tried calling Tom again but still no answer.

You gave up waiting and left the restaurant. You drove home worried for Tom. You were expecting the worst like you always did.

You quickly opened up the front door, practically throwing yourself in when you got it open. “Tom?” You called out.

When you didn’t a reply you went looking. You checked the living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and still no Tom. You finally made your way upstairs to check the bedroom. Of course there was Tom under the covers of your bed sound asleep.

You felt relief run through your body but then you felt hurt.

He forgot?

You didn’t know whether to wake him up and yell or just let him sleep and yell at him in the morning. You chose the second option.

You got unready slowly trying not to wake Tom. You were undeniably hurt. That night was supposed to be magical but instead you were crying. You didn’t wanna sleep next to Tom so you slept on the couch instead. You let yourself cry until sleep took over.


When you woke up you felt eyes on you. You looked up and saw Tom staring down on you.

“why did you sleep on the couch? Was i hogging the bed again?” He asked you.

You wanted to give him the silent treatment but decided talking about it would be a better choice.

“You were supposed to meet me at the restaurant.” You sat up from the couch.

You saw confusion in Tom’s eyes before realization finally hit him.

“oh my gosh love I completely forgot I’m so sorry.” he bent down so you guys would be at eye level.

“That dinner was important to me Tom, how could you forget.” You felt so hurt. How would he forget your night together? Especially on your birthday.

“Darling I’m sorry, we can go out tonight.” He suggests.

You shook your head. “It's not the same Tom.”

“How is it not the same? It was just one dinner we could make it up.” he argued.

“We can't just make it up.” You said angrily.

Tom got angry as well. “I’m sorry okay i was tired and i forgot it's not my fault.”

“How could you forget Tom? I reminded you every chance i got.” You started to get really heated.

Toms face started to get red. “Why does it matter so much it was just some stupid dinner.”

You felt your eyes water. “Just some stupid dinner? It was my birthday Tom and i wanted to spend the night with you. So no it wasn’t just some stupid dinner to me.” You angrily got up and left Tom speechless.

You went to your bedroom and slammed the door shut.


You were lying in bed, crying for an hour before you heard a knock at your door.

“Go away.” You sniffled

“love, please open up so we could talk.” Tom pleaded threw the door.

You sighed before getting up and unlocking the door. After you unlocked it you went back in bed, turning away from Tom.

You heard him shut the door before you felt him climb on top of the bed.

You ignored him.

Tom reached over and set something down beside you. You looked and it was a heart shaped box. You didn’t touch it, you were still angry.

“I know I’m a horrible boyfriend for forgetting your birthday and I’m sorry. i was stressed out from press and I was tired and it slipped my mind. I’m not trying to use that as an excuse because it's not but I want you to how deeply sorry I am.” Tom said.

You sighed and finally looked over at Tom. “I understand how you forgot. i know you’ve been stressed and i should’ve considered that you would be too tired to go out, I’m sorry for overreacting.” You apologized.

“You weren’t overreacting, i would be pissed too.”

You smiled at Tom.

“Will you forgive me and please open my gift.” Tom handed the gift in your hands this time.

You threw your hands over Toms neck.” I forgive you.”

You opened the box revealing a beautiful diamond necklace. You gasped.

“Tom, this is beautiful.” You looked at him shocked.

“You deserve it.” He leans over and kisses you on the lips.

You guys kiss slowly and that night Tom made it up to you in more than one way

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