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     After looking back and forth to double check that no one else was outside, Harry darted around the corner and inside the house.  I quietly shut the door behind me as Harry looked around the small house curiously.

     "Nice place," he remarked.

     "Yeah.  It's even better with the lights on," I giggled, flipping on the switch as Harry chuckled.  I tugged on his hand, dragging him up the tiny staircase towards my bathroom.  "C'mon, Stinky."

     Once we made it, I dug through the closet to find a spare towel big enough for him and handed it to him.

     He grinned, and stepped into the bathroom.  "I don't think you understand how excited I am for this."

     "Oh, I do.  I'm the one who has to smell you, remember?" I replied, making Harry roll his eyes and grin.   I stepped past him into the bathroom and pushed aside the fish-themed shower curtain.  Gesturing to the faucet, I said, "Okay, so you just pull it up to start, and back down to turn it off.  Left means hot, right means cold.  Shampoo and conditioner is right there.  That door over there," I pointed a few feet to the left to another door.  "leads to my room.  Hand me your clothes once you get them off and I can throw them in the washing machine."

     "How do you know how to use that?" Harry asked, skeptical.

     "Aunty doesn't do anything, remember?" I responded, rolling my eyes.  "So, yeah.  I'll go to my room."

     Harry mumbled a 'thank you,' and I stepped out of the bathroom into the hallway, and rounded the corner into my bedroom.

     My room was nothing impressive, just a small square with a lumpy bed in the corner and a tiny window right above it that looked out to the neighbor's house.  Clothes, shoes, and a few toys littered the floor.  There was a small black mark on the normally beige walls from the time that I hung up a poster of a kitten and Aunty got super mad at me because she said it ruined the walls, then tore it down before chucking a T.V. remote at the wall out of anger.  Which, to me, totally contradicted each other, but whatever.

     To my left, the white door that led to the bathroom cracked open, and Harry poked his head out.  "Here," he said, sticking his hand through with his filthy clothes. 

     I grabbed them, sniffed them, then cringed, almost gagging.  "Harold, Harold, Harold," I tutted.

     He just chuckled and shook his head, before ducking back inside.  When I heard the water start, I went downstairs and threw the mangy clothes in.  I traveled back upstairs and rested on my bed.  A few minutes later, Harry stuck his head back out, this time his hair dripping.  I glanced at him confused, because I could still hear the water running in the background.

     "Uh, I don't want to be rude or anything, but do you have any other shampoo besides L'oreal Just for Kids?  I don't particularily want my hair smelling like 'Burst of Mango Tango'."

     I snorted, and hopped off the bed.  "I can go grab Aunty's if you want, but it's still girl shampoo.  We'll just have to dry it off before we put it back so she won't notice it was used."

     Harry nodded.  "I think anything would be better than this stuff, no offense."  I shook my head, putting my hands up in defense as I went across the hall to Aunty's bathroom.  Swiping the shampoo and conditioner from her shower, I scurried back to my room, handing the bottles to Harry through the tiny crack.  He grabbed them awkwardly, trying to hold the door so that he could hide behind it.

     He thanked me before shutting the door and stepping back into the shower.  Since I was already standing up, I scurried back downstairs to throw his stuff in the dryer. As I waited for them to dry, I turned on the T.V. and(just to spite my Aunty), I ate some slices of bread.  When I heard the dryer beep, I grabbed Harry's clothes and went back up. I walked in to my room and squealed, dropping Harry's stuff on the floor.

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