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----------------------------------------------After Taraweeh----------------------------------------------------

Fatima had seen it all and wasn't happy, not one bit. The lady with the bright pink hijab had a pretty loud child, no doubt. But you don't have to make the poor girl cry for God's sake!!

She began to move down the masjid stairs, her thoughts swaying around in her mind like multiple see-saws. As she pushed open the masjid door and began making her way to Yaqub's car, she catches the sight of something fluttering next to the magnanimous pillars of the masjid. She would have ignored if it hadn't been for the quiet sniffling coming from behind the same pillar.

Sigh, what now? Fatima thinks to herself. She creeps up behind the pillar so as not to frighten the sniffler and peeks around it to find the woman with the bright pink hijab, crying softly with her loud baby, now peacefully sleeping on her lap. The soft, mushy part of Fatima begins to play up and so she places her hand on the girl's shoulder and says, "Uhh...hey it's not that bad! We all get shouted sometimes..."

The woman, looks up, her eyes are red from the continuous crying. She tries a tentative smile but ends up looking like something bit her toe.

"Just leave your kid at home next time... less headache for all of us," Fatima winks, trying to lighten the mood but finds the woman breaking down all over again.

These tears have more behind them, Fatima muses. One thing she had learnt for sure. Tears always have a story. Fatima quickly texts Yaqub, 'I'll walk home today', and sits down next to her. Well here goes nothing...

----------------------------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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