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Today's the day! I just got on a plane to fly to London to met up with my blind date, Tom. Today is a day that will be full of firsts for me! This is my first time on an airplane. This is my first time going out of the country. This is my first time at a hotel by myself, well maybe by myself. Hopefully if all goes well Tom will stay with me so I won't have to be all by my lonesome. Most importantly this is the first blind date I've ever been on so I'm extremely nervous, but also very excited. So many things are running through my mind. Will he be a serial killer?! Will he be cute?! Will he even be a dude? Shit I don't know, but all I can do is hope for the best because it's a little to late to back down now. We're going to met at this bar called Nightjar later tonight, 8 o'clock to be precise. I don't know much about Nightjar other than it's on 129 City Rd and that supposedly it's decent. Mhmm, God I hope he thinks I'm cute. Ugh all I know is I just can't wait.

Alright I just got off the plane! It's 3:00 pm which means it's t-minus 5 hours till I have to be at the bar to met Tom! Oh I'm so nervous I'm shaking. I'll just try to take my mind off of it for awhile by trying to find my hotel and walking around London to check things out since I've always wanted to come to here. As I'm strolling down the sidewalks and roads of London all I can still think about is Tom. We've never seen pictures of each because obviously it's called a blind date for a reason, but I just am trying to picture what he'll look like. Maybe he's tall? Possibly blonde hair because I love blonde hair. Maybe even some tattoos because those are so sexy. Oh gosh, I just need to hurry up and get to my hotel room so I can get ready and go meet the possible man of my dreams!

My Lover, Tom HarlockWhere stories live. Discover now