Chapter 2

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I finally got to the hotel. I kinda got caught up walking around looking at everything, but that's okay, that's why I got here a few hours early. It's beautiful here, I'm on the top for of this hotel, I got the biggest room they had and I can see buildings for miles and miles it seems. Anyway it's time for me to start getting ready, I need to stop getting side tracked. I don't know what to do this is my first date in a very long time. Should I straighten my hair? Should I curl it? God I don't know. I'll just straighten it I guess so I can get there a little early because if I curl my hair that's gonna take forever. Plus I think straightened hair will go better with my outfit anyway. I'm going to be wearing this velvet maroon dress with this really cute cut out on the back and some matte black heels with a little strap on the top. Alright I've gotta do my makeup so I look somewhat sexy. Blah blah blah foundation, powder, contour, blush, and all the other things I need to put on my face. Just a little bit more lipstick and boom I'm done. Damn I look good. I just hope he thinks the same thing. Let me just slip this dress on and put on my heel and I'll be ready to go. Alright it's time to leave. I'm walking down the streets of London and I just can't get over the beauty of this place. All of the lights and pretty buildings. I have nothing like this where I'm from so I'm just trying to take it all in. Goodness why the fuck did I decided to wear heels my feet are killing me, but I'm almost there. I just got onto the street the bar is on and I am shaking. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I guess it's because I just really hope he's the one. I'm tried of trying to find a guy who will truly love me for me and if Tom is anything like he is over the phone I truly think he will be the one. He's so sweet and caring, but also very sarcastic and a little bit of a shit head but I love it and I think that I might quite possibly love him...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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