The Start of Everything

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Hi,I'm Lee Y/n and I'm vampire trying to live a normal life. I go to a high school in Seoul.
I'll say I'm pretty popular, many of the girls call me the black rose as they say that I'm as pretty as arose dyed with black ink.

Weird? Yeah I know I'm still trying to figure that shit out but eh. I'm top of my class and I have no friends because I find everyone annoying. That was until she came, I didn't understand her. I didn't find her annoying like the rest. As soon as she transferred she was instantly popular with the boys.
                                 *Time skip* 
As I sit here in class I feel a stare burning a hole into the back of my skull and I took a quick glance it was her, all these thoughts flooded my brain. She was surrounded by her group of friends they were idols under SM, I found them annoying.

??? POV
as I stare at this guy in my class, I notice him take a quick glance at me. His eyes were beautiful but cold like they wanted out of a cold prison cell. I was put in a trance until my friend joy snapped me out of it
    "Hey!, You good ?" She screamed
         "I'm fine but I'm curious, who's him?" I asked innocently pointing at the guy
    "Oh that's Lee Y/N, aka the black rose that's what the girls call him."
I nodded my head in response as Joy goes back to what she was doing, my eyes fall back onto Y/N. He suddenly stands up kinda startling me, he turns walking towards me. I get flustered as he stands in front of my desk
    " Are you done staring at me?" Y/N asks leaning into my ear whispering taking a little nibble on my earlobe
      "I'm sorry" I said quickly blushing
He chuckled, walking out of the classrooom and all I can do is stare at his back. After he left and I took a look around the class, everyone had their mouths wide open, I got flustered and hid myself in my books.
As I walk to the roof, I over hear some fanboys
     "Did you hear what Y/N did to Yeri?"
         "Yeah, it pisses me off"
I chuckled and thought to myself, "So her name is Yeri, beautiful name"
Okay so I'll admit this Yeri caught my attention as of late and I don't quite understand but all well.
I get to my normal spot on the roof to get some fresh air. The bell rings soon and I decided to walk back to class slower then usually.
         *Mini time skip cuz I don't want to write about walking*
I appear in class and the teacher just stares at me shaking their head and I smirk walking back to my seat but I can't help but notice that this Yeri girl is staring at me again so I decided to play with her so I winked at her. She quickly hid her beet red face. I sighed after this class school is over so I can leave this annoying place.
Yeri POV
After the bell rang, I was walking with my friends outside of the school gate as I look around for Y/N, I can't find a trace of him, I feel like I'm tracking a package on Amazon. Wait what the hell kinda comparison is that but anyways Joy and Seulgi noticed this
  "I think she's looking for Y/N"  Joy whispered into Seulgis ear
Seulgi giggled and I glared at them as I waved at them and took my own path to home.
As I arrived home and tried to study but my mind keeps wandering to Y/N and his cold yet beautiful eyes and his nibble on my ear. I mentally punished myself for these thoughts. I decided to call it a night.
I sit in my chair at my desk waiting for my maid to come with my blood for today as I need blood to survive, I hear a knock on my door and it opening and closing.
  "Sir, I bought your blood for this evening" My maid said
   "Thanks, Sana leave it on the desk" I said staring out of the window at the estate.
"Yes sir" she replied quickly leaving the blood on the desk and took her leave.
I pick up the glass taking a sip with my mind wandering to Yeri. My mind quickly memerized her face, I shake off the thoughts and went back to studying.

A couple hours passed and I hear another knock on my door.
   "Come in" I quickly answered still looking at my book
Sana suddenly appeared before me in her pjs and with her teddy bear
    "Will it be alright if I slept here Sir I'm scared and it's thundering" she asked shyly
I looked outside and it was indeed raining and thundering so I agreed to let her sleep with me.

                            The Next Morning
I wake up with Sana's arms wrapped around me
   "Sana l, it's time to wake up" I slightly shook her
   "Aww okay sir but I don't want to get up it's warm" she said tightening her arms around my waist
     "Come up,get up Sana you don't want my dad to be mad again do you" I asked looking at the beautiful girl next to me
With that she shot right up and got dressed and quickly went to start her job.
I chuckled and went to get dressed for school.

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