my feelings for Bakugou

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Uraraka part

In my house a sleep until my alarm go off so I can get ready for school like an hour or so went by in the alarm went off I woke up I got myself ready for school she go down stairs to go get breakfast. She then lock her door and go to school as she walk down the Street she see Duke and llda she start running down the street calling lda and Duke name when she got near them she give them a bright smile

Uraraka said: hey guys

Deku said: h-hey Uraraka

Iida said: oh hey Uraraka

As Uraraka and her friends walk down the street talking about school when they get near the school they see shuoto and momo holding hand.

Uraraka said: are they dating?

Deku said: I think they are dating?

Lida said: they make a cute couple

Uraraka said: they do make a cute couple I Wonder how is feel like to have a Boyfriend?

Deku said: r-really Uraraka

Uraraka said: ... WELL!! let's go hurry up to class before mr.Aizawa get mad!!!

Lida and Deku said: right!!

Time skip: to lunch time

I see you at lunch ok Deku Uraraka said Duke said back to her ok Uraraka see you at lunch Duke leave the classroom as she see Deku leavening the classroom kirishimas was right behind him waving goodbye to Bakugou as the door shut is was quiet I look at Bakugou and turn away to go get my lunch box so I can meet Deku and llda but as she was looking for her lunch box she felt someone looking at her but she did not care as long she found her lunch box and when she found her lunch box she rushed out of the classroom as she was rushing out of the classroom she tripped over a chair and fell on the floor Uraraka think that she scraped her knee? as she turned her body over so she knows that she scraped her knee or not? as she turned her body over she see Bakugou near her she mumbled under breath Bakugou what are you doing here Bakugou look at her with angry face Uraraka looks up at him with a scared face Bakugou said You dumbas look what you done to your knee you idiot now I got to take you to the nurse's office so recovery girl can help you Bakugou said to Uraraka when Bakugou stop talking Uraraka had a shocking Look on her faec

In Uraraka head part:
Why is Bakugou acting like this why is he being nice to me.this is not the Bakugou I now? He finally picks me up why do Bakugou small like this? he small so good and his face he look so cute and he so strong...what?! Why am I blushing so hard. What is wrong with me

At the end of the day part:
When me and Bakugou came from recovery girl office I noticed that it was the end of the day and we missed all of are classes for to day when me and Bakugou was in the classroom it was so empty I was so shocked that lida and Deku left me? but when I walk over to my dest and grab my things I turn around and leave on the corner of my eye I see Duke and lida I look at the window and I smile Awwww they waited for me uraraka said as I try to leave out someone grabbed my arm and pulled me holding me tight like.... they don't want to let go of me but as that person was holding me I can feel they heart beating but fast when I try to turn around to see who it was holding me but deep voice was whispering in my ear saiding don't move not one inch okay the person said o-okay Uraraka said I got to figure out what to do before something bad happens to me? uraraka said wow you we're pretty scared dumbaas Bakugou said while laughing that not funny Bakugou I was so scared Uraraka said while shaking in fear that not my fault dumbaas you don't supposed to keep your guard down if you are surrounded by people that you do know or don't know Bakugou said okay spill it Uraraka said SPILL WHAT!? Bakugou said you no what I'm talking about. Bakugou why are you acting like this? before I can I finish my sentences he grabbed my waist and pulling me up close to him and when are eyes meet all I could said in my head was why is his eyes are so cute Uraraka said but his lips Uraraka said while whispering what do you think I'm in love with you idiot Bakugou said no Uraraka say nervously THEN WHAT IS IT!!? Bakugou said while yelling at her Bakugou please stop yelling at me your scaring me uraraka said in a smooth scary voice I'm sorry Uraraka I'm just pissed that it Bakugou said as coming down Bakugou left the room silently as for me I was walking home with Deku and lida but as I was walking home with my friends I can't stop thanking about Bakugou why was he acting like that today? did I said something wrong it was only a question? Uraraka said in the shower if I did I'm sorry Uraraka said that in her head she lay on the bed why can't I stop thinking about Bakugou today? I feel bad for him

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