The Apocalypse

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Maximum Ride Forever

The Flock slowly finds out more about the causes of the apocalypse. At some point, scientists and world leaders became aware at some point that a huge meteor was on course to collide with Earth. The plan was for the Russians to destroy the meteor with nuclear weapons, but thanks to his tracking technology and Dr. Martinez's political influence, the gained control of Russia's nukes. Instead of blasting the meteor apart, he let it hit the planet.

Meanwhile, falsely believing that they were safe from the meteor, Dr. Martinez planned to counter the H8E virus and took the Flock to Paradise to wait it out. The bioweapon, intended to kill off 30% of the world's population, was released by the 99 Percenters just before the meteor struck.

The meteor broke into pieces. says most of the pieces landed in the Pacific, but Angel says the largest piece landed in Morocco, leaving a huge crater. Dylan compared the effect to the Tunguska event, but on a much larger scale all over the world. Afterwards, the sky shimmered with colors. The disaster caused a ripple effect all over the world, leading to volcanic eruptions, mudslides, earthquakes, tsunami and freak weather. Major cities on every continent were either destroyed in natural disasters or bombed to rubble by the Remedy. At least that's what they thought.

Chaos broke out everywhere, with nukes deployed in Africa, various assassinations of political leaders, and an epidemic in East Asia. This epidemic may have been the first sign of the H8E virus, which killed 5% of the world's population within a month. This all turned out to be plotted by the Remedy, which was also selling a vaccine for the H8E virus.

Dr. Gunther-Hagen hooked himself up to the last bomb, hoping to destroy "the last of the world's righteous survivors" gathered by the Flock. However, Max killed him before he could use it.

A nuclear winter followed soon after, lasting almost four years. By the end, some ruins were still standing, but the planet was largely covered in drifting ash, and plants were just beginning to grow back.

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