Good Luck Charms

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•H/L: Hair Length
•H/C: Hair Color
•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

Your POV:__________________________

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I release a small grunt as I nail the last flyer in my hand onto a wooden post. The page is an advertisement for Sullivan's shop, but you would not believe how hard it was finding places that actually wanted to have these things hung up. He was definitely right about people's negative stance on magic. I've been yelled at, called a witch and even had a rock thrown at me, but their aim was just terrible. It wasn't even close to hitting me. I ignored it, like I usually do. Words don't have much of an effect on me anymore. Growing up on the streets, you develop a thick skin for that kind of stuff. I was just glad that I was finished. Gripping the hammer tightly in my hand, I walk back to the shop and am greeted by a familiar bell when I enter. Sullivan shifts his gaze over to me and smiles brightly as the door closes behind me. Currently, he's seated behind the counter, forming a tower with a deck of cards. Looks like he was almost finished with the fragile structure too.

"That took you some time. I hope no one caused you any trouble." His voice conveyed concern. Likely he has experienced what I had when I put up the fliers, though his insults might've been worse. Just the thought of that made my blood boil. The poor guy's just trying to make a living. I shake my head. I don't want to worry the man so I won't bring up the awful things people had said.

"No, I just had a hard time finding places to hang the flyers up." After placing the hammer on the floor, I sit down on a wooden stool across from him, tempted to fold my arms and lean over the counter, but I didn't want to disturb the card tower. I was amazed by the fact he could even do it. A victorious smile brightens his face when he places the last two cards on top of the structure before he peers around it to look at my face. I can't help but smile back.

Two days had gone by since I started working here, and in that time, my lifestyle had improved greatly. I have finally taken a bath after God knows how long, my H/L, H/C hair is now free of grease and grime and is neatly brushed, and my old, dirty bandages have been replaced with clean ones. My belly is full, and I have something to drink whenever I'm thirsty. Sullivan had even offered his bed to me multiple times, though, I had always declined; instead, I sleep on the floor, which is still a major improvement to my previous living situation. I didn't want to take his bed. I felt that was too much.

"I'm sorry if it's difficult working for me. I haven't had a single customer for awhile. If something doesn't change soon, I might have to close." Letting out a soft, depressed sigh, Sullivan rests his head on his arms, which brings a frown to my face. He always acts so happy, so it was a little sad seeing him like this. I know how much he loves this place, so I want to help him keep it in any way I can. I owe him that much.

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