Chapter: 3

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Connor comes back with the hydrogen peroxide and gives you it. "Thank you" You then wait for for the blood to stop pouring. You  take the cotton of and put some of the hydrogen on it. You take a deep breathe and put the cotton back on the wound. "ahhhhh" hank and capt fowler comes running in and hank kneels down next to you. "What happened, are you okay?"

"Yeah I am, it just really hurts" you point to the hydrogen peroxide. "But it will heal me"
Capt- Why are you hurt?

"It was Gavin, he stabbed me" Jeffrey then went out, he's probably gone to talk to Gavin. You're pain then heals and you feel safe having Connor next to you. You also notice that Hank is taking care of you and your not sure if that should be a good thing or not since you both just met.

You smile at Connor and turn to look at hank. "Thanks hank!" He didn't say anything like he was just frose. He was looking into your eyes "um....hank? Are you okay?" Hank then realises what he was doing "oh yeah, what did you say sorry?"

"Thank you!" Hank then smiles at you and gets up. "No problem I hope your okay now, I'll help you up, here" hank then helps you up and brings you to his desk, you sit down. "Hey Connor, could you bring me a drink of water?" Connor goes back to the break room to get you something to drink.

"So what's your name?"

"It's Y/N"

"I love that name. Y/N. Hm I think I've heard that name before."

"So how long have you and Connor been partners for?" You and hank have a chat about stuff you both like and your friendship is going well. You think it is anyway. After a couple of hours you hug Connor and say your goodbyes to hank. "Goodnight Connor, Goodnight hank"

"Bye Y/N" they both said while smiling at you. "Would you like a ride home?" You thought it would be nice to take them home, it has been a long day. "Sure, Connor come on"

"Okay Lieutenant, I'll be there in a second I just need to do something." You and hank walk to your car and He puts some heavy metal music on while you look up into the night sky. "Do you like heavy metal?"

"There is some good songs" it was quite awkward for a bit since you now have nothing to talk about, you talked about literally everything in the apartment. Hank was now starting to get annoyed. "Where the fuck is that android, it's late and we need to go!"

"You wanna stay here, I'll go check on him, Gavin could of done something to him"

"You are right, Sure but please hurry up" Hank rolls his eyes. "Fucking androids" you then quickly run back into the building and look around for Connor. "Connor?" You kept shouting his name going around the building. "Connor, are you okay?" You see Connor over in the distance and run over to him. "Connor, come on we need to go, Hanks getting mad" You grab his hand and run out of the building because Jeffrey was locking up.

"Connor what took you so long?"

"i just needed to be alone for a bit" Everyone got into the car, you and Hank was sat in the front Since he didn't let Connor be in the front for some reason. "Where's your house then?" Hank puts the destination into the car and the car sets of to it. "So Connor, what's a matter?"

"Why should we care about this fucking android, it's a prick"

"Excuse you but I care about him, okay so shut the fuck up, stop being such a bitch" Hank then looks out of the window "Whatever" you then look behind to check on Connor and you hear Hank say sorry. Connor smiles at you "Y/N, can I talk to you, when we get to Hank's house?" "Sure, we can"
—1 hour Later—
"We're here Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow, I'm sorry about earlier"

"It's okay" Hank then gets out of the car and hugs you. "I'm Sorry too" Hank walks over to his house. Connor then comes to you. "Hey"

"Hi, So what's up?"

"Hank has been acting a bit different these last couple of days, I know we have just met but can I stay at your place tonight?" You then pause a bit and panicked and said the first thing you thought which was 'Yes'. You wave goodbye to Hank and get back into the car. "Connor, why did you needed a minute back at the station, if you don't mind me asking" "What Gavin did to you, I wouldn't think he would of done that maybe he thinks your an android?" "Why would he think that?" Connor doesn't say anything so you start the car and set of to your apartment. You turn the radio on and look at Connor, you start to worry about him. "Connor, You don't need to worry about me, I'm not dying well I was but I'm okay now, we will just need to avoid Gavin for now on. I probably will have loads of investigations to do tomorrow so I won't see him" Connor smiles and nods at you. "I hope so" You now get to the apartment. "We're here now" You and Connor goes into the apartment room and he sits down on the sofa.

You go sit next to him and hug him. "It'll be alright, I promise" you look at the clock at it was 11:52. "You can stay how long you want, okay I'm not bothered if it's months you can stay"
"Thank you, Y/N" You go into your bedroom and change your clothes and you lay down on your bed. Your bedroom door opens. "Connor?" "Yeah it's me"

"What are you doing here?"

"Could I be with you tonight" You blush and get nervous. "Why, Do you want to be with me?"

"It's weird being by myself, Hank usually gets drunk every night and sleeps in the living room so he's near me"

"Okay, sure you can stay with me" Connor shuts the door and comes around "Um Connor?" He then gets in bed with you "oh ok, then, I didn't think you meant lay in bed with me"

"Oh I'm sorry, want me to get out?"

"Hm, i guess it's alright because your not human" well you think it's safe since he's not human. "Thanks, Y/N"
More Chapters to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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