Summer Camp 2

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"Alana! Common You need to get up." Henery Martion and Alana Fritz Were at Summer school for the first time. Something that made them Diffrent is the Strange people they call "The scary people". Alena Was scared The most at Night Since, when She sleeps she wakes up with Deep gashes and slice Marks on her arms,Legs,Chest, and on her face sometimes. Alana had scars everywere, She had on Scar going from Her nose to her Cheak's. "Henery...I don't want to go! what if...What if..." Alana Was terrified of What might happen. "Stop talking NonSence. Nothing is going to happen, We have Gardien's Here. Lets go!" Alana Reached a Hand out to Henery and grabbed onto His shirt "Henery...Please, I don't have a good feeling About going out there. DON'T GO!" As much as Alana Wanted Henery to stay inside there Cabin, They had to go to Breakfeast. Alana got into a pear of Shorts and a shot sleveed Shirt, offtion time's Alana Got bullied from Having her scar's Showing. Henery Held her hand to give a little Bit of Confort to His Best friend. Henery Was eight and Alana was seven They Lived Next to Another so they had all the time In the world to play and have fun. "H...Henery...Im scared. What if he comes.." Alana was Canstintly Being face to face Contact with A weird guy With long arms. He looked like a clown But Black and White with a Cone nose. "The clown guy? Don't worry Alana, remember this. when we get older, You'll be my bride and I promis no one will Torment you." henery and Alana were Ment to get married when they got older Because their Parents Thought It was Best since they were so close to another. "Okay...H..Henery!" Alana Saw the clown man agian Like alway's right on time.

"Alana! Get Behind me!" Henery told her. Alana got behind henery and Held onto him, She was full of fear And she Din't like fear. The clown man Laughed and dissapered. "HENERY!" Alana yelled out making Henery Turn back. "Let her go!" Henery Pounched the clown's Arm letting Alana go and run back over to henery. "Henery! Please...Let me go home! I want to go home! I don't want the scary people anymore!" (FYI this is anime So I'm making a movie in my head) Alana started to cry a little. "ALANA! HENERY! What's wrong?!" Miss.Jordan Or the Lady in their Cabian ran over to them. " Alana, There is a guy after us!" Henery Said giving Alana To Miss.Jordan. "common You two, I'll See if your parents can pick you up." Miss.Jordan Led the Two to the Office and told the Owner of the Camp What happened, "Yes, I see...So your Children Have been seeing these 'Monsters' For a while now?" "Yes sir. I think it's Best If we take them home, But...This has been Happening Since My father Discovered the Exzistence of the 'Slenderman' Creature. I'm Getting fearful of their Precences Coming after Are poor kids right Margret?" "Yes Marrisa. Henery is not affraid to fight for Alana but I'm getting scared since these attack's have been getting more frequently and More Harmful." "Im sending them home, Please note back to the camp when this is taken care of...Do you need anything to help?" Alana's Mother Nodded. "Well, We were going to try and make the house safer but I dn't have enough Money yet." "I'll send you the money. henery." "Yes sir?" "Take care of Alana, Don't Let her down. She's Depending on you and her parents to protect you, take good care of her since...Well, She get's the worst of it." "yes sir, I will!" 

After the little 'chat.' They went home Alana filled with so much fear she din't blink or talk to anyone. "Alana." Henery Touched Alana a Little and she Jumped before Looking over to him. "don't be scared Alright?" Henery gave a weak smile "I want to go home...I want to go back into my room.." The only safe spot that made Alana feel Confortable was in her room. "I know, Once we get back to your place we'll go to your room." Alana for the rest of the one in a half hour trip Back down Wa Silent for most of the trip she Talked A little bit But Mostly Was silent. Once they got home Alana and Henery went inside her room and played some games and Drew some pictures Wonce Night time came by Alana and Henery went to sleep On the bed together Finally a night Without being Scared by anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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