17. i have learned

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I have learned not to meddle in these melancholic meadows

Yet it's difficult not to when my mind walks down these eerie hallways during such ungodly hours

Praying, wishing, and hoping that a magic bullet

Will suddenly appear out of nowhere

And accidentally bump into my head,

For I have learned to be at peace with my illnesses

To let these obsessive thoughts order me about

"Wash your hands once, twice, and thrice,"

These thoughts scamper in my head like mice

"Change your clothes four, five? No! Six times!"

They render my soldiers helpless and strangled with vines,

For I have learned that my illnesses

Rarely ever leaves

Maybe they go on a group vacation

But they come back as soon as I heave

"One cut, two cuts, three cuts, four!"

What else would they want more?

"Five cuts, six cuts, seven cuts, eight!"

They shout in excitement at my blade of self-hate

"Nine cuts No wait! Tie this around your neck and suffocate!"

Coughs escape as I lose my senses to my numbing fate,

For I have learned that attempting to fight - will end with death

Yet I still do fight...

I fight my death wish

By not fighting my illnesses.

wandering dandelions #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now