too confused

4 0 0

I am so confused..
I love you..
But idk if I want to be with you..
I think I need to though..
I can't stop thinking about you..

Am I your one and only
Your soul mate forever
I don't know..
I am confused about my feelings
Soon we can sort them out together

We have one obstacle
And she will be moved by me
Whether its bars or something else
She will be out of our way.
But I'm still confused about this

Will I stay with you??
I might.. I miss you so..
But I so confused about how this works
Will you be the man of the relationship
Or will I be working??

Just know that I love you..
Our chance meeting was marvelous..
But I need to figure myself out
As of right now..
After this situation things may change..

Please back me up on this..
I don't think our story is over..
Just paused until an obstacle is moved.
Don't give up.. I may be confused
But there is one thing I know. I love you

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