My meeting with the rest of the group

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After some few normal days at school in lunch, I went towards the group. But there was a ruckus going on there . I saw two people who I didn't recognise but after going near them, I saw Ming Rui and Zihao. They were talking with each other in a very serious way but after I came, they suddenly became care free and I introduced myself
Me: Hi! My name is Tina and I'm xin long's classmate.
Zihao: Hello I am zihao as u know, and Ming Rui and I just came back from Thailand. Nice to meet you!
Ming Rui: Hi !!

They were both very cheerful but the others were sulking . I didn't know why and they must have a reason but I m not going to bother them .

Then, finally lunch ended.
Xin long was sort of like angry yet sad and I was worried but if I asked him, he would be more sad so I just listened to the lecture.

School was over .
Long long and me left the class and we met near a fountain at the ground .
I was a little bit confused but I went anyway.

Long : Tina , stay away from Zihao.
Me: Huh!?! Why??
Long : I have my reason so pls don't hang out with him
Me: AT least tell me why.

He shouted I was startled .
I began to tear up a little. (U know how emotional a girl is))

I was trying to get away from the scene..... So I ran but I tripped and was GOING TO fall into the fountain but Zeyu grab me just in time.

Zehyu: WHY R U CRYING!?!?

Me: Nothin...
And I just ran away straight to my home and I was still shocked why long told me to stay away from Zihao and why was he getting angry for that

Thank u for reading and there's a twist about Zihao.... Spoiler alert- he's a v******

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