Chapter 1 - Meeting Him

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Vladmir walked into the nerestt Starbucks. He bought a Frapae. Once the person gave him the Frapae he went to find a seat. He found a seat to sit at. All of a sudden a cute guy walks in. The guy bought his usual. He went to find a Seat. So he walks over to Vladmir.

Stranger" Is Anyone Sitting Here."

Vladmir" No. You can sit there if you want to."

Stranger" Thanks."

So they sat there for a wile. They started talking.

Stranger" So whays your name?"

Vadmir" My name is Vladmir. You?"

Stranger" My name is Lucas. So what you like?"

Vladmir" Like what?"

Lucas" Like anything. Do you want me to start so you can now what I'm like talking about. "

Vladmir" Shore."

Lucas" I like making videos with my bestie. My and my besties youtube channel is Lucas and Jenny. I am gay. I use to been known as Fred from the funny videos and some episodes of iCarly. So that some stuff I like."

Vladmir" I like hanging out with friends. I miss them since I'm here for like 3 or 4 months. I'm also gay. I love listening to a whole bunch of music."

Lucas" Cool. Are you single or in a relationship?"

Vladmir" I'm single for right now. Plus that's why I'm here to see if I can find a boyfriend since there's hardly any gayss were I basiclly live."

Lucas" Oh. Same here. So what do you like to look for in a guy?"

Vladmir" For who will except me for who I am and not on how I look."

Lucas" Same here. So how long have you been here?"

Vladmir" 4 days."

Lucas" Wow. Would you like me to show you around here some time?"

Vladmir" Shore."

Lucas" How old are you?"

Vladmir" 20."

Lucas" I'm 28. So what's your last name?"

Vladmir" My last name is Veil."

Lucas" My last name is Cruikshank. We should hang out today."

Vladmir" All right. Wow were having a really long conversation and we juat meet today."

Lucas" I know right."

Vladmir" Can I ask you something freaky."

Lucas" Yah."

Vladmir" Well I know we just meet today but I've been getting wiered feelings that we were meet for eachouther. So would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Lucas" Same here and. yes we can be boyfriends."

Vladmir" Yay."

Lucas" So what do you want to do."

Vladmir" I don't know. What time is it."

Lucas" 1:00 P.M."

Vladmir" In an hour I have to go to the airport because my friends is comeing here in like two hours."

Lucas" Do you need a ride there."

Vladmir" Shore. That means you get to meat my besty."

Lucas" We should pick up Jenny."

Vladmir" Okay. The more the marryer."

So they left to go to Jennys house. They got there. They went inside.

Lucas "Jenny come here I have some one you should meet."

Jenny "All right. I'll be out there in a few."

So they wated for Jenny.

Lucas "Jenny this is my boyfriend Vladmir."

Vladmir "Hello. Its nice to meet you."

Jenny "Hi. Its nice to meet you to."

Lucas "Do you want to come to the airport and pick up Vladmirs friend."

Jenny "Shore. So what's your friends name."

Vladmir "Her name is Rylee."

Jenny "Cool."

Lucas "We should leave now so we can be there early to find out what plane she will becoming in on."

Vladmir "All Right."

Jenny "All right."

So they left to go to the airport.

Jenny "So when did you two meet."

Lucas "This morning at Starbucks and we were there untill we came to pick you up."

Jenny "Cool."

Vladmir "Do you know where the airport is."

Lucas "Yah."

Vladmir "All right. I was just wondering."

They were almost there.

Vladmir "In a half hour the plain will be here. How long untill we get to the airport."

Lucas "In 10 minutes."

Vladmir "All right."

So they got to the airport.

He Has Me At The Tip Of His Fingur ( Lucas Cruikshank Fanfiction ) (This is now on PoisonAppleDevil Aaccount which is my other wattpad account)Where stories live. Discover now