chapter 16 - Mother May I?

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For a moment, nothing happened other than a bloody finger print being left on the white crystals surface until the crystal started to pulse faster. The white light that made it pulse with chakra and light sped up and started to make a loud noise with every pulse. My vision wavered and the sound faded from my hearing and slowly I fell backwards, feeling myself losing blood from the back of my head and the slashes made earlier by the wire re-opened by the tussle. Blood, I think I'm losing too much of it.

Suddenly I saw the mass of white crystal explode, raining fine crystal dust and chunks down on me. I curled into a ball feebly to try and protect myself, feeling the chunks hit me before it suddenly stopped. Everything grew eerily silent as I lay there, not wanting to move from my position.

"Is she the one who summoned us?" A sudden childish voice broke through my conscience, but I didn't stir from my position.

"She looks to weak to me." A gruff male stated before I heard the sound of someone hitting them.

"Don't be so mean Uncle Yagami!" The childish voice whined, and the male sighed wearily. I heard a few footsteps approach me, and felt the presence of six people standing around me. I was to injured to open my eyes much less lift my head to look.

"She has to purple hair of a Akume... Does she have the yellow eyes though." A slick female voice said, reminding me faintly of a snake's hiss.

"She looks injured. Look at her right arm and then to the body over there." Another male voice spoke calmly, sounding cool and sophisticated. The male made me think of a prince or some kind of royal person for some reason.

"It looks like she killed him." A ruff female voice stated and I could feel them nodding.

"Oh, I know him!" A younger female voice exclaimed, and they had a high pitched voice that made me think blond and preppy.

"Isn't that Fuuya Akume? You know the one who wanted all of us for himself so he could destroy Konaha? Only he ended up slaughtering the clan instead when Yagami broke out." The female explained and the second male voice spoke up again.

"He was the one who let his guard down enough to let me break out."

"You know, we should probably heal her and find out if she is a Akume or not." A random voice said and they made noises of agreement.

"Well hurry up then Toriko." The gruff male snapped and I heard one of the people move closer to me. A hand grabbed my arm and moved me not too gently and then I heard the sound of chakra being molded.

Then I felt the warmth of someone healing me. They started on the back of my head, stopping the bleeding before stitching the skin back together and healing the internal damage. Then they moved onto the worst cuts on my stomach and arms. The figure even pushed some of their own chakra into me until I felt I could at least open my eyes and walk a little bit.

With a groan my eyes snapped open, and I looked up to see a pair a cool amber eyes staring at me as a green chakra covered hand worked of healing a nasty bruise on my neck from the choke hold earlier.

"She's an Akume." The male called out and suddenly he stepped back lightly at the same time I felt something small jump on me. I grunted a little and looked down as the figure jumped up and down on me while hugging me around my neck.

The first thing I see is pale blondish white hair sticking up in multiply directions around a slightly chubby cheeks of fair skin. Wide chibi blue eyes stared up into mine in joy and a wide grin was set on their face. It was a male of about four it seemed, and he was jumping on me like I was his long lost mother.

"Your our new master!" The little boy chirped happily while I heard someone sigh with irritation in the background.

"Kirihito, your hurting her." The amber eyed boy observed, taking in my pained expression. The boy in my arms froze, glancing up into my eyes before suddenly shrinking before my eyes. My eye widens in surprise as the boy shrinks down to the size of a bunny before he grabs my loose ponytail and pulls on it, quickly scrabbling up to sit on my head before sliding down to sit on my shoulders. My eye twitches in annoyance as he rests his chin on the top of my head, legs thrown over my shoulder and on my collarbone and his little arms wrapped around my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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