Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day in a small town that took place in Italy, everyone was outside children were playing with other children, I wish I had that when I was a child too. My name is Smeraldo and I'm the ugly man that nobody wants to talk to or even look at that's why I wear a mask, mask of anger I would always hide in anger to hide my true feelings I never liked to be kind to people because they would judge me in the end anyways so why bother. I live alone in an abandoned castle with blossoming garden that I made myself, people say talk to plants they grow faster if you do, well that wasn't as true as I expected but I talked to them anyways because nobody else would. One day I woke up in my castle and my blossoming garden feeling so lonely, I went to look out my window and I saw a girl picking my flowers I wondered in my mind what's her name ? where is she running of to ? I wanted to know I was curious like never before is this my fate ? I asked myself as I reached my hand out of the window, and I knew her warmth is the closest to reality flowers that she picked for me and I kept trying to reach closer to her, one day I noticed she would smile on me it felt like she light on me but I knew I must not take closer step to her. Each day I would wear my mask again just to see her I would always wish to tell her something more, she doesn't know my name but she seems to enjoy my presence I would always tell her "You know that I can't show you me, give you me" that's the weakness that I hide that she can never see, but in the end I still want her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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