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JIMIN SETTLED into his garden, a small offering of sugar, rose petals, and rose quartz beside him. he tended to his plants, a lovely collection of herbs and flowers. he saw the bees buzzing; he heard the wind whistling. it was a good day. he took the rose quartz and, with the point, drew a simple welcoming sigil into the sugar. jimin was already quite popular among the fae, what with his daily sugar and crystal offerings, humming bird houses, and extensive gardening, but he still chose to add a bit more to make sure they felt comfortable. he said a quick prayer to freya, before going about his day.

it was tuesday, so that meant he had to go and open his shop. jimin always felt quite guilty taking monetary advantage of the gods' and fae's blessings, so he made sure to donate a portion of it. he also used his spare change to make diy runestone sets that younger witches could pick up for free. as you walked into jimin's lovely shop, the black cat, you were hit immediately with the scent of love and also plants. on the windowsill sat small succulents, and the ceiling was occasionally adorned with drying herbs. there was a maze of shelves, full of crystals, tarot decks, herbs, candles, and more. it was not the only occult store in jimin's hometown, but it was arguably the loveliest.

around twenty minutes after opening, jimin heard the bell ring, signifying a customer had come in. it took the boy a few minutes to get out of the main part of the store, as there was quite a bit of stuff packed into such a small room, but he made it, and right on time. the boy standing at the counter looked quite nervous, almost like he was about to leave. "jeongguk!" jimin exclaimed, running to hug his younger friend.

"hyung," jeongguk responded, a smile settling on is face. "i'm sorry to bother you, but i have a few questions." jimin nodded as he made his way behind the counter, sitting on a stool and waiting for the younger to continue. "i overheard namjoon and seokjin-hyung talk about some people moving in to town, but what did they call them? they didn't use the term 'people'... was it... 'fae'? yeah, that was it," the boy rambled, not noticing the sly smile on his hyung' face. jimin loved working with fae and he knew exactly was jeongguk was talking about.

the older nodded, smiling wider now. "yes, two new and powerful sidhe just moved into town," he responded, "they're coming by later to chat, actually. seokjin's going to join us, so that's probably what they were talking about." jimin was more than excited to meet the new fae, considering he was friends with almost all of the fae around the town.

"what are fae? what are sidhe?" jeongguk questioned, his eyebrows crinkled and his head titled slightly like a confused puppy.

"the fae are a nonhuman species," jimin explained, walking towards the window, "they can show themselves in many ways, such as this butterfly," and he gestured towards the butterfly on the windowsill, "or like sidhe, more humanlike. but the sidhe are kind of dangerous," he warned, moving now towards jeongguk himself, "so you must always be careful. and remember: don't give them your name." jeongguk's confused expression remained, though, and jimin sighed, "you'll be able to tell the sidhe apart because of they're unnatural beauty. almost like yourself."

jeongguk glanced down at himself, confused on why jimin saw and "unnatural beauty" in him. "or like you, hyung?" he asked, knowing jimin was much more beautiful than almost anyone else.

the older smiled and looked at his feet. "my beauty is a blessing from the fae, jeongguk, i have not always been this pretty. i appreciate their help very much." a faint blush dusted across the older's cheeks as he attempted to change the topic. "anyway, would you like some tea, gguk? we have lots of different kinds."

"no, thank you, hyung, i have to get to class anyway," jeongguk replied, placing a quick dollar in the tip jar, something he always did. he knew the money was going to charity, which was just another reason to give. he quickly smiled at jimin before opening the door and leaving, the only trace an echo of the bell above.

jimin hummed happily, making his own tea and preparing for the new sidhe. he was glad that jeongguk was becoming more confident and asking more questions, but he was concerned. he knew that jeongguk only knew the first rule when it came to interacting with fae, and if the boy was becoming more confident, what if he dropped by while the fae were here? what if he completely broke every rule? jimin would blame himself, of course, for not teaching the younger better, but now he was out of time.

all he could do was worry.

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author's note

hi!! i hope you like this story, and this new formatting. i think it looks really nice, but feedback is always appreciated. thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy uwu

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