Hisashi's Present

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"Mom! when is dad coming back?" An excited Izuku says, "Oh honey, he's coming home today!" His mom, 'Inko Midoriya,

"I'm home!" Hisashi, Izuku's father called out. "Dad! Welcome home!" Izuku practically shouting said while tackling his father in hug. "Oof, Hey buddy how ya doin'?" Hisashi asked although knowing his son has been bullied.


"Ahh hello dear, what might i owe the pleasure of hearing you?" Hisashi asked to a phone. "Hello dear, as for the call i'm afraid to say it's bad news." The voice on the phone, now identified as Hisashi's wife Inko, said.

"Oh, and what may that be?" Hisashi said a little sad because what she called for bad news. "I think our baby Izuku is being bullied because he is quirkless." Inko said on the verge of crying.

"Im getting him a gun." Hisashi said with a hint of venom in his voice. "A gun?! I thought those were only myths!?!" Inko exclaimed.

"I'm the only one in this world who has a gun, multiple actually." Hisashi counting with his fingers how many he had, "i have a gun that he can have, the others will have to wait" Hisashi said.

"T-thank you s-so much d-dear" Inko said crying tears of joy. "Anything for the most precious people in my life" Hisashi said.


"I'm okay dad" the fourteen year old lied. "Well since i'll be gone again tonight." He said sadly, as did Izuku & Inko, "I got you a present!" he said, instantly cheering up Izuku as Inko gave him a knowing smirk.

"A GUN!?!?" Izuku exclaimed, "Yes honey, use this to protect yourself, okay?" Hisashi said with a huge smile that rivaled All-Might, "Yessir" Izuku said excitedly 'i will use this to be a hero!' he thought to himself.

The Next Day

Izuku was walking home from school with a burnt and wet book, he passed by a tunnel, "An invisibility cloak, size m".

Izuku felt like he was suffocating, he looked down to see himself covered in a sludge. "Calm down it will only hurt for 45 seconds!" the sludge said. Inside Izuku's mind he was thinking stuff life 'im sorry dad i wasn't able to use your gift.'.


'what the hell happened?'He thought right before he passed out. "-ou okay kid?" Izuku woke up to see his favorite idol, "All-Might!" he scrambled to find his notebook then he found out All-Might already signed it, "This'll be a family treasure, an heirloom!" Izuku said.

"Well i have to go!" All-Might said, "So soon?" thats when All-Might jumped and Izuku jumped on his leg, And thats how Izuku was sent flying in the air.

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