Ah Shit

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All-Might was nearing his time limit then he saw the kid latched on to his leg. "I know you're a fanboy but this is too far!" All-Might exclaimed.

All-Might and Izuku landed on the roof of a building. "I-i have a-a question for you umm All-Might" Izuku stuttered 'Crap, I might have to reveal myself to this kid'. "Can i be a he-" He was interrupted by All-Might turning into a skeleton.

Izuku acting quickly was about to pull the gun on him, "Relax kid, its me!" All-Might said.

"Anyways," All-Might continued "I need to go now."

"Wait!" Izuku pleaded, "Umm... Can I be a hero without a quirk?"

"I'm sorry my boy, but that is quite impossible," All-Might said "Why not be a doctor or a policeman?"

With that All-Might left.

'I guess I can't be a hero... I'll just take back my application from U.A' Izuku thought.

Izuku went down the staircase into a conveniently placed internet cafe called 'Convenient Computers' and gave the front desk the convenient money he had from his wallet, which was conveniently not lost.

The former U.A hopeful was looking through the academy website and saw something.

'You can't take back applications because the exams are automatically made according to the amount of applications we get. Sorry for the inconvenience.'

'Oh... Shit'

Walking out of the cafe, he heard sounds coming from his right.

'Oh well, might as well see the last hero fight before I die from the practical exam' Izuku thought depressedly. (Is that a word? Meh... Who cares)

Looking at the scene, Izuku thought he could see Katsuki Bakugou, former friend, now a bully that was scared after seeing his gun in action.

For shits and giggles, he shouted "Oh Shit! That little boy is getting raped!"

That stopped everyone, "What." Izuku asked nonchalantly.

Taking advantage, one of the heroes there, Snipe, who had a laser shooter that looked like a gun, shot at the Slime Villain. The villain got scared shitless of this and booked it, running straight into a net that a hero 'accidentally' dropped.

With the villain captured and the heroes praising Bakugou. Izuku slipped out, laughing at how that distraction worked.

While at home

"Hisashi? Who taught Izuku that word?" Inko asked sickly sweet.

"Uhh" Hisashi gulped.

"Because... I'm so proud of him! As a mother to a child, you must make sure that he knows when to use those words, so I'm making his favorite food."

'Hell hath no Fury, like a woman scorned' Hisashi reminded himself.

News: alot of men are suddenly muttering under their breath, but, confusingly, only married men are doing this. New STD? Find out more tomorrow on the 91.1 Radio station.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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