Morning Glory

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Kaida’s POV


It’s dark, I can’t see. Suddenly there is a small light in the distance, as I hover over to it grows in in brightness. I touch it, feel it and watch it. In sudden realization I scream as I see it’s my broken and twisted soul. Images of despair flash before me I scream covering my ears. My own blood-curdling scream grows louder and louder until it grows too loud and I cover my ears in agony until the sound makes my ears combust and bleed. The heavy liquid of blood quickly pools around me as I sink into it, slowly suffocating.

“Kaila! Wake up Kaida-chan!” a voice rebounds in my head, as my eyes flicker open. A girl with fluffy bedhead hair that glows gold in the morning light leaned over me. “Good grief Kaida, you were having a war with your covers again, you also kept pulling at your ears. Are you okay? Same dream?” the girl asked smiling tiredly.

“I’m okay now, thanks for waking me Ayado.”  I mumbled as I rolled out of bed.  I shook my head trying to rid myself of the haunting nightmare. Luckily for me this nightmare was quite often as you could tell from Ayado. So I forgot it soon, well almost more like pushed to the back of my mind. I Got up and brushed out my white blonde, fluffy and shoulder length hair, brushing the bangs back. Her hair often reminded her of her origins, of which she was very proud. Her sole parent was an oriental dragon, named Hanshou. Although all of her friends had similar heritage, for example, Ayado was born from a magic spell cast on a Cat’s Cradle game, then the caster used living organisms from a cat to bring her to life. That is why our group all had magical markings, which give us power. I have I weird life. Heh.

“C’mon! Ayado, Kaida, it’s time for breakfast help us wake the others.” A voice called from outside while knocking, most likely Himiko, she normally woke up first and made breakfast she was also our unspoken leader, and also had royal blood. I got up strained myself and rubbed he sleep out of my eyes and headed out toward the main hall knocking on a few doors, asking the occupants to wake up as I passed.

“Wait Kaida! Kaida! You’re still in your pajamas!” Someone yelled from down the hall, I spun around to see Oki nearly bursting in laughter. I looked down; I indeed was in my pajamas, which consisted of short sleep shorts with little cats on them and a ridiculously baggy shirt on. I smacked my forehead. I myself laughed, giving permission to anyone else trying to contain it to laugh too.

I smiled at Oki, “Thanks for letting me know, I guess I should be fixing that. If you would be ever so kind to not eat ALL the food and leave me some, I am rather hungry.” I said while starting to run down the hallway back to my room, still laughing to myself.  I slowed down as I got closer to the room. When i actually go there I felt a little dizzy, I decided to ignore it as walked into the room. Once I finished getting dressed in short ripped shorts and a cropped tank top and tall boots. Once I grabbed my packet of pocky off my bed table I headed out for breakfast. I was hungry!


Juuniji’s POV


I wake to a knock on the door, and Kaida saying through the door happily yet still groggily from sleep “Wake up guys, breakfast is about served.” I stumbled out of bed warily and then shook Hotaru awake, she’s my roommate. I tried to wake her up kindly since she needed to be in a good mood today since there was something we were announcing today. We had been waiting for this day anxiously yet excitedly for about a month.

“Mmm, what do you want Juju-chan.” Hotaru said warmly, her eyes fluttering open.

“What I really want right now is to eat breakfast if you don’t mind, Runi-sama” I said sighing happily. “And remember todays the day we tell everyone. Any plans on that?” I suddenly muttered shyly.

“Oh don’t be such a worry wort, it’ll be fine.” Hotaru said smirking at me. I sighed and got up. As I was walking over to my chest of drawers to get my clothes I heard talking through the door, I couldn’t tell what hey where saying though. Then I heard burst of laughter. Being a curious person I walked over to the door and poked my head out the door to find Kaida paused in the middle of the hallway laughing her head off along with some others. Then I realized why because she was in her pajamas! “Hey Hotaru! Get  over here!” I said between giggles. She ran over and looked out the door, and she also started laughing. Yet I’m so glad it’s in the morning, because if it wasn’t I might not be laughing and be making fun of Kaida. Since my special power was that I had split personality during day and night, although it had more than having a split personality.

Still laughing Hotaru and I got ready and headed out for breakfast.

//Few minutes later while everyone is sitting at the breakfast table (except for Kaida)\\

I had a fork full of delicious and cheesy eggs halfway to my mouth when Kaida barged into the room grinning wildly with a stick of pocky hanging out her mouth. “Oi! Ayado, I sure hope you saved my breakfast. I’M STARVING!” she said while hurrying over to the stove and shoving every last little bit of food onto her plate. Then sitting down heartily onto her chair then stuffing her face with food. I then sighed with the food still halfway to my face. I smiled and finished my bite, then turned my head to Hotaru and winked. She winked back at me.

“Hey everyone would mind if me and Hotaru announced something?” I asked cheerily, yet a little shy. The whole room seemed to pause except Kaida incessant munching and soon even that halted. I wasn’t used to this attention so this was slightly eradicating my mind. Thankfully before I could start to stammer and embarrass myself. Hotaru noticed my unease and cut in.

“We would like to say that we-“she paused and held my hand “as in Juuniji and I, we um. This is hard to say aloud, we like each other. But more than just friends, well what I’m trying to say is that we love each other as a couple, if you know what I mean. But we really hope that you guys will accept us as what we are, and if you do not, well sorry, you can’t change who we are!” she said rather blushing at first then getting rather passionate about her words as she went along. Everyone gaped at us. Then finally Kaida broke the silence and got her pack of pocky out of her pocket and handed one to Hotaru then one to me, and smiled.

“Of course we accept why we would ever not? You are our friends, and you are also in the Will o the Wisp!” Himiko said gleefully but at the same time being earnest about her words. Everyone nodded and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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