Baby Don't Cut

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I ran to (Y/N)'s apartment and knocked on the door, her dad, or who I'm assuming to be her dad, answered.
"Who are you?" His voice boomed, and was quite intimidating. "I'm Sal, (Y/N)'s friend" I say.
"She isn't on the market boy" time to bring out plan B
"I'm gay sir"
"Come on in, her room is on the left"
Plan B always works.
I walk into (Y/N)'s room and she's crying on her bed, with a bottle of weight loss pills.
"(Y/N)!" She looks up and shoots up out of her bed covering her mouth.
"It's not what it looks like" she's panicking now.
"What are those for?"
"I used them to bring me into this torture, and now they're going to get me out of it" she opened the bottle and lifted the opening of the bottle to her mouth. I rushed over grabbing the bottle and threw them across the room.
"Please don't do this" I pulled her into a tight hug as she cried into my shoulder.
"What else have you been doing?"
"The pills, cutting, scratching, pinching, hitting things until my skin tunes black and red, and sometimes burning" all of these things, and because of what reason, why is she doing this to herself?
"Why?" My voice was hushed.
"I don't trust you with the truth, hell I don't nearly trust you enough with what I have already" her legs gave out and she fell to the ground. I tried to help her up but she pushed me away.
"I will stop doing self harm only if you never speak of this to anyone, and never bring it up again, just forget I ever told you!" I wanted to help her but right now she was fragile and I can't help her right now, not like this.
I walk out the door and her dad is gone. On my way to the elevator I start thinking about how I'm going to help her.
God please help me.

Sally Face x Reader Angel in devils disguiseWhere stories live. Discover now