
139 4 1

This whole story will be in third person view
Just saying x

The door made a large scratching sound as Louis opened it.

He fumbled clumsily over a few items till he found the light switch, it flickered tiredly a few times before the bright, white light fully came into sight.

The store was a light shade of green with white borders and a swirly pattern painted swiftly over all the walls.
God, Louis thought this was definitely in need of a paint job.

The place was dusty, very dusty.
The counters where covered with the light grey dust, almost as thick as a small, grey, fleece blanket.

Louis ran his hand over the counter and coughed at the contact, as the fluffy substance floated around the air.

Louis started to second guess himself as in why he bought this small corner store in the first place.

But then he remembered.
He wanted to start fresh.

He sighed as he realised he better get started at cleaning this place up.


Louis had bought all the materials he needed to clean the small shop and set them on the dusty countertop.

He looked around and noticed all the old signs and posters were scattered around the what once used to be, by the looks of it was a milk bar.

Dazed and chuckling slightly Louis reached for his headphones and plugged them into his iPhone.

He scrolled through the artists and albums on his phone as he placed the earphones into his ears, they where soft and squishy and made Louis feel a tad uncomfortable.

He finally made a decision on 'this' by Ed Sheeran.

He hummed slightly swaying his hips to the beat of the song as he dusted the shelves and counter top.

He went on to sweeping the floors, followed by mopping the tiles, cleaning booths, fixing up the kitchen (a bit) and then finishing off with cleaning the horrid washroom.

Sighing as he looked around at his work he thought 'well done' simply to himself.

The buzzing of his phone caught him by surprise jumping as it vibrated in his pocket.

The screen flashed brightly with the caller ID as mum.

"Hello" Louis spoke,
suddenly realising it had been a while since he last spoke to his mum.

"Louis baby it has been ages, I was starting to get worried about you"

Jays soothing voice spoke.

"I know mum I'm really sorry I've just been caught up with the shop and stuff"

Louis apologised knowing he really should speak to his mum more often

"It's fine sweetie but how are you"

She assured.

"I'm good I just finished cleaning up the shop"

Louis said looking at his watch realising it was already 6pm.

"Oh really that's nice, I'm glad your doing something you actually enjoy"

She said.

"Mum cleaning up a dirty old shop isn't something I particularly enjoy"

He chuckled smile growing on his lips.

Muffins | Larry auWhere stories live. Discover now