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"That'll be $9.80 thank you mam"

Louis chimed smelling the sweet scent of the muffins and other baked goodies cook in the ovens.

The sweet old lady handed Louis the exact amount and Louis thanked her kindly.

"Hey Harry can you pass me one of those blueberry muffins"

He called out across the kitchen sort-of area.

"Yeah sure Lou"

He walked over to Louis blueberry muffin in his hands and smiled.

"Here you go"

He handed the muffin to Louis and as he did the hands lightly touched, but that was enough to make Harry and Louis buzz and fizz with excitement.

"Thanks H"

He smirked holding in his excitement.

"Here you go mam I'll just grab you your tea"

He handed the lady her blueberry muffin and scurried over to grab the tea.

"There you go, enjoy"

He smiled and the lady smiled back.

Louis looked around at muffin heart and noticed how many people were enjoying themselves.

There was a small family over at one of the booths enjoying some banana bread and smoothies and then there was a teenage couple sharing a slice of chocolate cake at the window stools and there was a line up of people waiting to be served.

It had been a week since the first opening and the first customers, and the first time he met Harry.

Louis and Harry were already like 2 peas in a pod always around each other and enjoying each others company, they would share secret glances while they were working and pull faces at each other, yet they were to blind to notice that they were both head over heels for each other.

It had only been a week but both their feeling had immensely grown for each other, but they were so blind to it.


"Hey Harry do you wanna come over to mine this afternoon and hangout"

Louis asked praying that Harry would say yes.

"Sure Lou, I'll just finish packing up and we can get going?"

Harry was excited he was going over to Louis' house for the first time, he was also a bit nervous seeing that he really liked Louis and going over to his house was a big deal for Harry.

"Sure sounds good"

Louis smiled happily trying to keep it cool because he was actually bursting with excitement inside.

Harry grabbed his small backpack and put his iPhone in his back pocket.

"Ok are you ready to go?"

He asked Louis.


Louis replied.

Harry followed Louis to his car, it was about 7pm and the sky was a beautiful shade of pinky orange.

Harry climbed into the passenger seat of Louis' car, closed the door and then put on the scratchy seatbelt.

"So what were you thinking we'd do when we get to yours?"

Harry asked Louis.

"I'm not quite sure, we could watch a movie?"

Louis said.

"Sounds perfect"

Harry smiled in return.

Louis shifted the car into drive and speeded off down the street.

Harry picked at a hangnail on his thumb, not knowing what to say.

The silence was very intimidating and to say it was awkward was an understatement.

"So Harry, are you in university"

Louis tried to break the silence.

"Um no not at the moment, but I would like to study forensic science if I get the chance"

Harry replied smile playing on his lips.

Louis smiled back at him, thanking god that the silence was over.

"Did you always want to work in a muffin shop Lou?"

Harry chuckled actually wanting an answer.

"Well yes and no"

Louis said.

"I have always had a passion for singing and music, and I would've loved to be a musician but we can't always get what we want"

Louis smiled sadly.

"Well to be honest I'm kind of glad your not a famous singer because then I wouldn't of met you"

Harry said softly, lifting the mood.

"You really are something Harry"

Louis blushed and Harry tilted his head down cheeks also beat red.


Louis placed the popcorn in the microwave as he got out other snacks to share with Harry.

Even though it doesn't seem very fancy, (in fact it was just 2 friends hanging out) but he wanted this to be special.

Over the past week, Louis and Harry's friendship had only grown stronger, they were soul-mates, it was blindingly obvious.

Louis and Harry knew each other better then they new themselves.

"Okay Harry what genredo you wanna watch scary or comedy?" Louis asked secretly praying that Harry would choose comedy because to be honest Louis was terribly afraid of all that blood and gore crap.

"Can we watch a comedy? 'M not really into scary movies" Harry chuckled, hoping that he wouldn't sound like a wimp.

"Sounds great" Louis smiled, as he walked over to the DVD collection.


Harry had gone home at around 11:00pm. The night had been filled with laughter and bonding and the two got to know each other even better.

And to say that Harry was excited to go to work tomorrow was an understatement.

A/N so sorry that this chapter took so long, I've just been really busy lately :(

But it's up so enjoy!

Jasmin x

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