Meeting Harry Styles For The First Time - long imagine

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It was 5pm on a Saturday. "Today is the day of the One Direction concert" you thought to yourself, "I cannot believe I am going to see them live, front row and-" your thoughts were cut off by a loud knock at the door. You rushed to go open it. Your friend ran in, gleaming with joy, "I CAN'T WAIT!!!" She shouted dancing around your living room. You had only moved into your new apartment yesterday in Toronto. You had gotten your acceptance letter from your favourite University last month and immediately started looking for apartments. You had finally found a nice place only a few blocks away from the University. You had finally finished settling in yesterday. This week was going to be the greatest week of your life. You and your friend quickly rushed to your room to add the final touches to your accessories and hair.

You both wore cute dresses with flats. Your friend had her hair in a French braid and you curled your long, dark naturally-wavy hair and put it to one side over your shoulder. You had on light makeup. A little bit of blush, a little bit of concealer, foundation, eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara. You naturally had chocolate brown eyes but decided to wear your green contacts instead of your glasses today. Your dress was ombré, it went from light pink at the bottom, to light orange in the middle, and it turned to light yellow at the top. It came down to just above your knees. You had on light pink eyeshadow and ombré nails to match. Your shoes were black. Your friend had on a mint green, black and gold outfit with matching accessories too. You weren't trying to be too fancy, but you wanted to stand out to the boys. Especially Harry. You loved all the boys, you were so proud of all of them, but you always fancied Harry the most.

You absolutely loved his bright green eyes, his dimples and his cheeky personality. You had always been in love with his amazing voice and you had always hoped to meet him one day. Today was the day.

The entire car ride you and your friend just talked about how amazing today was going to be. You prayed so much that Harry would notice you today.

You had finally arrived at the stadium and went to your seats. The stadium was packed with hundreds of people screaming and shouting and crying with pure happiness. You had front row seats in the middle of the row. The tickets cost you a lot of money but of course they were completely worth it!

The opening video started playing, your heart started racing as you and your friend both looked at each other and just grinned. All of a sudden you saw the streams of smoke and then 5, amazing boys popped up on the stage. They started singing midnight memories as they walked around the stage. It was so loud as the entire crowd sang along.

They did three more songs and then they did their twitter questions. You sent your question at least thirty times. You know, just for a better chance. Four questions had gone by, the boys had dances, pretended to be each other and Niall even tried to do cart wheels! They were about to read out their last question. You knew your question wasn't going to be chosen. You decided to pay more attention to the boys and not get lost in your thoughts at the concert you've been waiting a lifetime for but then as you looked up at the screen, you realized it was your question as it popped up on the screen behind the boys! Your friend looked at you in awe. Your heart started beating faster as Harry read the screen, "Have any of you ever taken each other's things for more than a week without telling each other?" He read, then they each answered the question and the answer ended with them piled on top of each on the floor. The finally stood up from the floor after causing the arena to burst in to a laughing fit, Harry finally said, "From y/n in row one seat number 20. Where is y/n... FOUND YOU!" He said as you waved your hands to him and laughed a little as all the boys came to the middle of the stage to say hello. "I like your dress!" Said Harry, which made you blush. You were practically grinning ear to ear and felt like you were going to faint. He looked at you, straight into your eyes, gave a little cheeky smirk, then winked at you. He turned around and they started singing Little White Lies. Throughout the next three songs you saw him looking at you constantly. Your friend noticed too. The concert was then coming to an end as they were singing their last song, What Makes You Beautiful. Before Harry's solo, you saw him say something to a man who was standing at the corner of the stage. Harry's solo came up and he looked at you and smiled the entire time. You noticed the same man Harry was talking to, walking your way. "Y/n right?" He asked. "Um yes.." You said, you were confused, wondering if Harry had anything to do with this. "Harry would like to see you backstage after the concert." He spoke into your ear, he didn't want anybody else hearing this and it was really loud anyways.

Your eyes widened, "Really?!!!!" You almost screamed, but you didn't. You wanted to tell your friend, but you didn't. "See that door to the left? Exit through there and I'll meet you there. I will take you to Harry's dressing room." He said before he walked off.

"What was that about?!" Your friend asked as you realized she was staring at you the entire time. "Um.. Nothing. He was just telling me that Harry says I look really nice." She grinned. The boys said their final good byes and you saw Harry wink at you again before running off stage. "I think he likes you!" Your friend said grabbing her bag and phone then sighing as people started to leave. "Hahah I wish. Harry and me? Impossible." You knew you had to lie to her about going to meet Harry backstage. You would tell her later what happened. You wanted to bring her along but you just wanted to be alone with Harry and the boys.

"That. Was. Amazing. But let's go. Traffic is terrible already." Your friend tugged on your arm. "Um, I got a text from my cousin who's going to pick me up from here. I'm going straight to her house after here. I forgot to tell you. Sorry." "Oh alright. See you later then." She looked at you confused but then walked off. "Worst lie I've ever told" you thought to yourself. You looked around and only saw a few people were left. You looked to the left and saw a black door that said EXIT. You walked through the door and saw the same man sitting on a chair using his phone. He stood up as he saw you enter, "this way" he said as he smiled and motioned you to follow him. You took a series of turns and a flight of stairs and you entered a hallway. There were 7 doors. The first one said ZAYN MALIK, then LIAM PAYNE, next LOUIS TOMLINSON, then NIALL HORAN and finally HARRY STYLES. The last two were probably lunch rooms or something. The man knocked on the door, you finally saw his name tag, "Peter" you read to yourself. "Come in!" You heard Harry shout. You walked into a large room which looked a little bit like a small apartment.

Peter motioned you to take a seat on the sofa, "Harry will be out in a minute." He said as he smiled and left the room. You looked down at your phone, it was almost 9pm. You saw Harry walk out of the bathroom and smile as he saw you. You stood up has he greeted you with a hug. A tear rolled down your cheek, you quickly wiped it away but he noticed. He sat down next to you on the sofa, " Is something wrong?" He asked. "No, everything's fine! It's just that, it's really nice to just meet someone that has helped you through a lot." You said smiling, then realizing that your going to have to explain the entire story to get that sentence to make any sense. "I've never met you before, y/n." He said. "I know what I said made no sense, what I meant was, I've had a ton of family issues and things since I was little, and your songs have really helped me forget my worries and just help me relax. Haha I'm surprised you wanted to meet me though! I came here hoping you would at least look at me, let alone invite me to your dressing room." You said smiling as you wiped your eyes trying to forget memories from the past. He smiled and placed his hand over yours, "Glad I could help. That's the amazing thing about music. It's like, instant stress relief." He chuckled at his own words. All you could do was smile. Your feelings were beyond words. You were so thankful that today happened the way it did.

You jumped from your thoughts when all of a sudden Harry's phone beeped. "It's a text from Zayn, I'd better get going, he says we are leaving to get back to the hotel." He sighed, "I wish I could stay longer but I don't think that's gonna work out to well at the moment." He had a sad look on his face, he hesitated a little before he spoke, "um, could I have your number?" His eyes sparkled with hope. "Sure!" You both exchanged phones and added your numbers and you added your twitter name too. On his phone, you set your contact name as "Best Person On The Planet. Aka (y/n)" on your phone, he set his name as "Harry Styles, Super Cat." You laughed as you looked at your phone. He walked you to your exit and gave you a hug. "It was great meeting you. I wanna meet you again. Your nice." He flashed his dimples and winked at you before walking off. And that was the start of something special.

********* Thanks for reading!!! This is my first ever imagine so sorry if it's terrible. I'll be writing more stuff so watch out for more imagines and maybe a fanfic soon!!*********

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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