Memories are never forgotten.chapter one

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Chapter one sadness

I am lady Elizabeth Ebblestone I talk to tell a story that proves love+great sorrow+a promise = Miracle

It all started on my sister Felicity's birthday everyone was relieved that another day of life and not a single person of this household has died of the wretched plague. My brother Arthur had ordered a special breakfast of fresh eggs, ham, and healthy vegetables a rare treat since most food is contaminated with again the plague. Me and felicity were laughing at dad's new painting "oh the humanity!" Mother screeched when the painting first arrived, this particular painting showed a woman's bare body, Arthur& father wouldn't stop starring typical men, felicity and I laughter when we pass the painting, mother grumbles and glares at the painting.


After the special breakfast felicity and I crept out into the armoury hall and tilted saint George's sword to the right and opened our secret passage. Down we went with candles and giggles near the end of the passage lies three separate paths one into the kitchens we sometimes steal pastries, the path to the library we love it there so much knowledge like the original works of Shakespeare and finally the mystery path every time we take this path the candles react odd and the ground always has strange footprints. Anyway we ran down the kitchen path and tripped on the hem of our long dress skirts, I wonder if the future will hold easier walking clothes, but anyway inside the rose smelling kitchen we saw a massive plate of raspberry tarts, strawberry shortcakes& banana bread. we grabbed all we could carry we needed food for our picnic on our usual Friday routine after we narrowly escaped the crowded kitchen we ran down the library Path and found our selves inside the animal information section. Every time we go out for picnics we always go bird watching and love the feel of wind on our face. We ate some cakes in the library as we read about ancient legends of gods and curses. Felicity and I knew this picnic would be the best so far especially with all the new knowledge we had gained.

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