16~ will you marry me

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~ a couple months after graduation~
Miracle pov
It has been a couple months after graduation and Jake and I are still going strong and the crew is still together. Today is the L.A. Finest music award show and I have been nominated for two awards one award is for my song Chitty bang and the other is for my song with the girls Gangsta. I am so excited and nervous because I will also be performing tonight and co hosting the after party. I have about 2-3 hours before I have to leave for the show so right now I'm getting ready my outfit for the show is a white sports bra and a blue and white detachable skirt for when I perform for most of my performance i will be wearing the white sports bra and white shorts. Right now I'm at my house getting my hair and make up done. "Hey sweetheart I just want to wish you good luck tonight because i know that this is your first award show and that you are nervous" my mom exclaimed, "thank you mom that means so much to me" I say while hugging her.

I just finished my hair and make up and when the girls walked into my room. "Hey girly you look so cute" Kamya said , "thanks girl do any of y'all know when the boys are going to get her we are going to be leaving soon" I said worryingly " I'm sure that they are almost here it's going to be ok honey" Eryon said. " Alright you girls go to hair and make up and then get dressed right now I'm about to go and get dressed ok" I received a bunch of ok and yes and went into the bathroom to get dressed.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see that the guys are here getting ready and I go up and kiss Jake. "What took you guys so long to get here" "oh nothing Trey was taking forever to get out of bed and eat something" ok" the girls are getting dressed and so are the guys we have a half an hour before we have to leave so everyone is rushing once everyone is ready we head out to the limo and head to the award show.

We just arrived at the show and the nerves are really settling in right know. We head over to the red carpet and take photos and some interviews. We head in side and this place is huge we got and sit down and wait for the award show to start. "Hello everybody and welcome to L.A. Finest Music Award Show i am your host Kelly Clarkson and let's get right into the first category" the award show started. An hour later and my performance and category are coming up and I am so nervous. "Alright the next category is best new hit single and the nominees are Miracle with Chitty bang, Nick Jones with chains, ar'mon and trey with drown, and Tessa Brooks with powerful emotions." I have never been so nervous in my life. "And the winner is.... Miracle with Chitty bang"

I could not believe it my very first award i walked in stage and took my award " oh my gosh I can't believe it i just wanna thank my mom and dad for believing in me when I had first told them that I wanna sing and I wanna thank all of my best friends we have had some wonderful and amazing music one that I also nominated for best hit song for group and I wanna thank my wonderful boyfriend who helped me become the person who i am today and also help me makes some wonderful music as well thank you" I finished my speech and walked off stage to the back t get ready for my performance. "Alright our next category is best group hit single, and the nominees are Miracle, shiann ,and lorene with gangsta,..." " and the winners are Miracle shiann and lorene with gangsta. The girls and I walk back on stage and claim our award and then go back stage.

I was getting ready for my performance when I was told instead of three songs i have to do four so I had to pick another song to sing. It's time for me to go on stage and the first song I perform is my new song Here I Am, then I sing trust none, now I am about to sing No Strings with Jake and Trey. We have just finished performing our song and I turn to hug Jake and see that he is down on one knee with a ring box with an engagement ring. "Stop" I say I started crying, "Miracle you are such an amazing person you are the sweetest and most caring person that I have ever meet and you are just the one for me, when we bumped into each other in the hallway at school i knew that you were different i had to make you mine, so Miracle will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me." Yes Jake I will marry you" the crowd cheered as he put the ring on my finger he got up and I hugged and kissed him and we walked of stage. "Omg best friend congrats let me see the ring" the girls cheered, "damn Jake how much did this cost this shit is huge" the girls cried, and Jake just laughed the girls and I went on stage to perform our song as soon as the best dropped we removed our detachable skirts and killed the show.

It is now the after party and I have a sit down interview with Kelly Clarkson. "Hello everyone nd welcome to the after party i am here with special guest and co host of the after party Miracle, so Miracle how do you feel because if I am correct this is your first award show and you win two awards" , "yes Kelly this is my first award show and I honestly am so proud of my self for the things that I have accomplished" and there is a congrats on order you literally just got engaged "yes I was so surprised because I was over here being i nervous wreck and he is all cool and chill so I didn't think anything would happen so to find out that he was planning to propose i am just shook" girl yas I mean look at this ring it must have cost a fortune" and I still have know idea how much cost and I'm pretty sure he's not going to tell me because he knows I'm gonna be like it's to much because I don't like to be showered in gifts and he will literally get mad at me because he would buy me all these things and I wouldn't take them because I don't like getting showered in gifts and he would just be like it's a man's thing to shower there girl in gifts and spoil them so let me spoil you woman " aww I swear you guys are the cutest couple ever " thank you" well that's the end of our interview let's get this after party started".

After the after party ended we headed home and talked to our parents about our engagement and went to bed.

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