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Aa yay, getting tagged is always fun :))

Aa yay, getting tagged is always fun :))

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1. Straight but also girls are like,,, really hot

2. She

3. I think so,, it's nice, I'm at peace


5. Boring dirty blonde

6. Gemini sadly [June 19th, I've been told I act like a Pisces??]



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8. I like a lot of them but blue is pretty cool! And peachy pink yes yes,, my sister and I call it millennial pink lol

9. Pasta is really really delicious,,, I also love popcorn for whatever reason?? And sweets

10. 37%

11. Self esteem
That didn't make sense but still

12. Carrots I guess??

13. Blue

14. Like a 10 or 11,,,, I have bigass feet man

15. Something with art!!! That I can live comfortably off of, which is why it's just a dream,,

Alright I suck at tagging people so if you want go on ahead and do this

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