7.) Let's Get This Over With

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So I've seen multiple authors on here that make a list of songs they listened to while writing chapters, so I'm going to give that a try. The songs aren't really meant to go with the chapter, but it's a cool idea to show you guys the music that get's me in the writing mood.

Songs: Youngblood 5 seconds of summer

Too Much to Ask Niall Horan


Heartbeat- Childish Gambino

The Tide- Niall Horan


Sunday August 21
12:23 P.m

I woke up late today, of course, and was now rushing to get myself ready to go meet Adam at a small coffee shop straight on the other side of town. I'm assuming closer to his house than mine.

Right as I was barely buttoning my jean skirt after tucking my shirt into it, my phone chimed twice, and I already had a feeling who it was.

From A: I'm leaving my house right now. See you there

From A: Where are you? I don't see you or your car?

I groaned and hastily replied that I woke up late and I'd be there soon. Which he seemed to be sorta upset about, but hey I wasn't in any rush to see him.

I slipped my sandals on before heading out to my Ford Focus and punching the address into my GPS. I happily found out that the little cafe was only ten minutes away from me, meaning less gas I have to use, and if I really need to escape Adam it will only take me ten minutes to get to the safety of my own house.

After a couple minutes, a few cuss words, and incompetent drivers, I pulled into the parking lot and immediately saw Adam leaning against the hood of his own car.

"I think after Friday, you'd learn not to wear skirts around me. My mouth has no filter." Adam smirked as I climbed out of my car with my book bag in hand.

"I think after you got my number you should stop being disgusting because I can easily block it." I smirked back and pushed past him to get to the door.

I couldn't help but notice how different Adam looked outside of school. His hair wasn't gelled up like usual. It was resting on his forehead and looked fluffier than usual. I was surprised to say the least, I've never really seen him like this since maybe middle school. I'm pretty sure nobody saw Adam like this. Was he comfortable around me? No, what am I thinking? He was probably too lazy this morning to actually do anything with his appearance. I on the other hand, wanted to look semi-presentable.

I took out my supplies, just a basic pen and paper out while Adam got up to go get us some coffee to drink before we started. Which was strangely nice of him.

He got back to the our table in the back of the small cafe, putting my drink right in front of me as he sat down.

"What'd you get me?" I asked, observing the blended drink in front of me.

"Uh something with caramel I think. Maybe a frap. I'm not sure. I just asked the barista for something teenage girls usually get here." Adam shrugged aimlessly while pulling out his phone. "Hey maybe that's what we should name our baby, Frap." He giggled a little to myself.

Now was the time to begin my annual eye rolls of the day. "We're not naming our child Frap. What the heck kind of name is that. What about Presley? That's kinda cute."

Adam looked up from his phone like he was about to lose it. His mouth was formed into a tight line, but his cheeks were red, and his eyes glowing.

"I used t-to have a do-dog named Presley," He laughed in between words.

I frowned at him instantly dismissing my idea, but I was quick to shoot down Frap as a name. I decided to just pull out my phone and go onto a website with baby name ideas. Hoping to get this done as soon as I could.

"Uhm what about Lily. Like the flower." I asked as I continued scrolling through the website.

"You can write it down so we have stuff to share with the class. Also write down Frap. So that's two down. But I don't think Lily is the right one." I laughed at how surprised I was that the Adam White was getting so into a project.
1:17 P.M
After a while, we finally had a completed list, and for the most part agreed on what we were gonna name the plastic baby.

"Are you about to head out soon? We're practically done with this." Adam shifted around in his seat, while looking at his phone.

I gave him a quizzical look, but shook my head no. "I have some math homework I think I'm going to stay here and get it done. My house is kind of chaotic right now. My brothers home for the weekend and he brought one of his friends with him. So there's five people running around my house right now, and this place has been quiet since we've gotten here."

I didn't know why, but Adam seemed like he was sort of in a rush all of a sudden to get out of here as fast as he could.

"You know, you can leave if you want. I don't need you to sit here with me while I do my math homework." I chuckled awkwardly, glancing up only after I grabbed my algebra two book out of my bag.

He rubbed the back of his neck and gave me a small smile. "Thanks aha, I'm meeting Kate at my house and if I don't leave now, she'll know I wasn't home like I said I was."

And boom there it was, at this point I don't even know why I feel surprised, let alone affected by this.

"Oh and if you could do me a favor, don't really mention that we were here together for a good portion of the afternoon. People will start talking and I don't really need that."

Before I knew it, the bells on the door chimed and Adam was in his car, already pulling out of the parking lot. A whole semester of this is going to just ... great.

This chapter is a lot shorter than I was hoping, but I felt like I already had so much detail and things happen in this chapter with the names, that wasn't exciting per say, but was a nice filler chapter. And this would've been up sooner, but I went to the Niall Horan concert very last minute with my best friend! We bought the tickets like an hour or so before we left so very last minute. But if you ever have the chance to see him, go for it! He's an amazing performer live. It's been my dream for six years to see him in person and this was honestly an experience I will never forget. When I first started wattpad, my first story was a fan fic of him, and looking back now, even though I deleted the story ages ago, don't give up on something you dream of that seems will never be reality. God works in mysterious ways, and today he was truly on my side after six years. But I hope you all enjoyed!

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I love you all so very much for taking time to read this story


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