Chapter 26

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•Morgan's POV•
"Hey guys where's Jordyn?" I asked. Rebecca had sent Jordyn to the store to get milk. But that was 2 hours ago. "I don't know. I'll try calling her" Becca said. She held the phone to her ear and then brought it back down. "Straight to voicemail" she said "Do you think her phone died?" Corbyn asked "Even if her phone did die she should've been home by now. Let's go look for her" I said and got up off the couch.
Becca and all the boys followed me. I got in the drivers seat and Becca got in the passengers side. The boys and Logan sat in the back. I guess Becca could see how worried I was "It's ok we'll find her" she said and smiled. I nodded and smiled back. I could tell she was just as worried as I was, but she was doing a better job at hiding it.
We finally got to Target and we all leaped out of the car. "Ok let's spit up" I said. Zach went with me and we went towards the back. "Jordyn!" I called out. We had been looking for 30 minutes now and we found nothing. I got a text from Becca.

Becca🤪- We should go. Maybe she's at home now

Me- Yeah. Be there in a sec

"Come on Zach, let's go" I said and started walking towards the car. He grabbed my hand "It's ok, we'll find her ok? And we won't stop looking until we do" he said. I smiled. We made it to the car and everyone was already waiting.
We got back to the house and ran inside "Jordyn are you home?!!" Becca called out. No answer.

•Rebecca's POV•
"Jordyn are you home?!!" I called out. Nothing. "Where else could she be?" I asked "I'm not sure. But I'm sure she'll show up eventually. For now let's just wait and try to relax" Logan said. We nodded and sat on the couches. Morgan sat next to Zach and cuddled into his side.
I sat next to Jonah and put my head on his shoulder. Then I heard my phone ring. "Guys it's Jordyn!!" I said excitedly. I answered it and put in on speaker for everyone to hear.
Me- Jordyn!! Where are you? Are you ok?
J- Oh she's fine. But I'm not telling you where she is.
That's not Jordyn
Me- Dylan why do you have her?! I swear if you hurt her in any way I will—
D- Don't worry she's fine. For now. Hahaha. If you want her back you just have to do one little favor for me.
Me- What?
D- Break up with your sorry excuse for a boyfriend and date me. Simple.
Now I was mad
Me- First of all, he is not a 'sorry excuse for a boyfriend', he's an amazing boyfriend and a better one than you ever were and ever will be. Second of all I broke up with you for a reason. Now tell me where you are or else.
D- Ha! Or else what? You can't do anything to me! And if you won't date me then I guess your friend will have to suffer. You better hurry up and find us. The clock is ticking.
Then he hung up. I look around. Nobody said anything. I looked at Corbyn. He looked like he was about to cry, or punch a wall, or both. Then Logan. He looked like he wanted to kill everyone. I stood up "Lets go Morgan" I said "Where are we going? He didn't tell you where they were" she said confused "Yeah but I've known Dylan for a long time, I'm sure I can figure it out." I said.
I grabbed my black leather jacket and made my way to the car. Don't worry Jordyn, we're coming.

•Jordyn's POV•
When I woke up I didn't know where I was, and I was tied to a chair. Did someone kidnap me? "Ahhh you're  finally up I see" I heard someone say "Who said that?" I asked "Oh just me" The person said coming out of the shadows  "What do you want with me Dylan?!" I asked.
"It's not what I want from you. It's what I want from your friend" "She's never going to date you Dylan. You hurt her." Then I felt a sharp pain in the side of my face. He slapped me. "I was giving her what she deserved" He said with his jaw clenched "Besides, with you here she'll have no choice but to come here and be with me" He said.
"She's not going to break up with Jonah, they love each other, and you're never breaking them up" I said. He slapped me again. I'm definitely going to have a bruise. "You better watch your mouth" He threatened. I kept my mouth shut. "That's what I thought" He said and walked out.
I have to find a way out of here. I franticly started looking for something to cut the ropes with. There was nothing even down here, just me and the chair. Guys please hurry.

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