Last Chapter: Part 2 - Our Sacrifice

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The helicopter flies away, as the bipedal cyborg lands in the rooftop level.

Unknown: Now you can't escape!
Daniel: And why should I? We're here to stop you!

The bipedal machine strikes a them with a whip sword, sending a ground spike at them. They both evade, it seems the virus gave them more ability and made them stronger.

Machine guns are fired, Daniel and Johann draw out their blades and deflected the shots.

There are two rail guns in the ground, they discard both of their primary and picked it up.

Daniel fired the rail gun, hitting the left radome.
The bipedal machine fire its missiles at them. Daniel cut the missile in half, destroying it. So did Johann, after damaging the right radome.

Daniel slashed the left radome, the fourth slash heavily damaged it. He transformed his blade to a second form, a scythe with a crimson blade. Johann transformed his blade to an axe with a blue azure blade.

Both of them cut the radomes apart, laying moderate damage the machine.

An aircraft squad passes by, their engines are heard as they are circling back to drop the napalm bombs.

Daniel: ?!.. The air squad!...

He sees the cockpit on the mouth of the bipedal.

Daniel: It could be penetrated. Bro, aim for the cockpit in its mouth!
Johann: What? Why?
Daniel: Let the squad bomb it along with this building!
Johann: I hope you know what we're doing!
Daniel: Distract him, try battering its guns!

Johann cut the machine guns and its flamethrower. The air squad is getting closer, it opens its payload containing the large napalm bomb, powerful enough to incinerate and destroy all life.

The mouth from the bipedal machine opens, exposing its cockpit. Daniel leaped forward and send a slash to cut its protection, leaving the unknown man no longer protected.

The aircraft fired their fuel airburst missiles, destroying two parts of the building. An airburst missile hit the bipedal machine, damaging it to a critical state.

The aircraft dropped their payload, Daniel leaped into the air and kicked a napalm bomb straight into the bipedal machine's cockpit, destroying it completely and killed the evil man inside.

It falls of the building, sending a big explosion to it.

Daniel: We are not what we were since the Corporation Wars. Snow White and Ripple...they changed us.
Johann: They gave us the feeling and warmth of a good person.
Daniel and Johann: We shall disappear and end this nightmare with you.

The napalm bombs also reached the roof, thus it burns them. However, they seem to feel no pain at all, as if it does not affect them. They only have a last minute, until it takes their life. The sun is rising with a clear sky, it is now dawn.

Johann: We have no regrets, and done our mission. It's finally over. We die here...from this day and now?..
Daniel: Yeah.

Daniel: But everyone gets a chance to rise up for the good and their future.


The napalm burns everything and along with them to ashes. Daniel and Johann are now nowhere to be seen. Did they really sacrifice themselves to help their race to save itself?

Another aircraft dropped a napalm bomb, while the building is still burning.

Koyuki and Kano are still hoping that they made it out.

*explosion echoing*

Kano: I hope they made it out..I can still see the signal of the PDA, but there is no life sign to be seen..

Tears leak from Koyuki's eyes.

Koyuki: I'm sure they did. They were strong and like if they had nine lives, I can't believe that people that are "superhuman", who are like us exist, too.

She wipes them up and smiles, as the sun shines.

Koyuki: I will see you again someday, Daniel, Johann.

The helicopter flies away from the scorched virology institute, as the cure and data are on its way to headquarters.

-Mission Complete-
Vaccine and Data successfully delivered to headquarters.

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