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KEY --

LGG = Lilla

HJG = Hermione

RJL = Remus

HJP = Harry

RBW = Ron

LLW = Likenia

ERL = Teddy

NL = Neville

SF = Seamus

NTL = Tonks


CAST ----

Young Amanda Blake as Lilla Garcia Granger

Young Emma Watson as Hermione Jean Granger

David Thewlis as Remus Lupin

Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley

Lily Collins as Likenia Weasley

Luke Newberry as Teddy Lupin

Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom

Devon Murray as Seamus Finnigan

Natalia Tena as Nymphadora Tonks Lupin


Personalities --


Lilla is a bubbly but clumsy person , full of fun and is friends with everybody + she can make Snape smile.


Harry is a funny, reserved, personal person and is also the boy who lived but instead the family who lived because Lily and James Potter are still alive.


Hermione is a bookworm but can be fun at times and a major rebellious character sometimes.


Ron is a foodie, sibling of 6 (1 girl, 5 boys), Twin and youngest of all of them.


Remus is a rebellious, quiet person, werewolf, and a father of four, 3 of which a unknown..


Likenia is a prankster like her older twin brothers but a hidden one and a kind person in general and the oldest of her and Ron.


Teddy is a caring boy who appreciates his family and what he has and will spend most of his time looking for his family, which are hidden right underneath his nose.


Neville, a shy boy with hardly any friends and a werewolf, he appreciates his friends more than anything be cause of how little of them he has.


Seamus is a clumsy, irish, fire prone boy who blows up everything in his path, he knows he cant have everything like the ability to be able to do spells without blowing anything up, but he appreciates everything he has instead.


Tonks, the clumsy metamorphmagus of the family, she loves making everybody laugh from her forms, she's a bubbly person who will do anything it takes to have all her children back home..

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