Chapter 4

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************Diana pov*******************

Sitting in the car with emily was just what I wanted to do all day I am so nervous about what people would think of me and most importantly Uncle si decision and the celebrity that will also be evaluating me and as if em could read my mind she broke the silence with
" I know you are nervous about this but yoy ha e been practicing none stop and do t worry I know you will do geat no matter who is the judge" and a smile broke on her face once she was done reassuring me everything will be fine

" Thanks em you know you are best in making my nervousness go away thanks girlfriend" I replied back with a huge smile on my face

The rest of the ride to the school was silent except for the radio playing. Once we arrived and em parked her red Ferrari In the school parking we both got out and started heading to the school hall where the show will be taking place

"Okay so remember I will always be by your side no matter what and I got the faith in you that you will win cause you have an amazing voice better than anyone even One direction okay" em said to me outaide the hall door

**************Emily pov*****************

"Okay so remember I will always be by your side no matter what and I got the faith in you that you will win cause you have an amazing voice better than anyone even One direction okay" I said to her outside the hall enterance to make sure she knew she was amazing and when I said better than one diection I meant it because she was only one person with sooo many talents and I am sure she will become famous

When I looked up at her she had tears starting to well up and when she saw me look up she pulled me into a bone crushing hug

"okay......okay cant ...breath" I said trying to get here to let go
she startdd laughing and thats when I knw she was happy and ready

" Oh shit I forgot my purse in your car listen go in and sign my name in that I am here I will be back in a few okay" she started saying will getting worried

" okay go dont worry I got everything covered Go Go" I reassured her and with that she took off running once she was out off my site I went in and found the hall designed beautifully and then I made my way to attendence sheet where I found a blond boy looking at it but I was sure I never saw him in this school before

when he turned around to face me I gasped. right infront of me stood Niall Horan his eyes went wide then stepped forward to cover my mouth incase I screamed

" Listen please dont scream okay please I am supposed to stay undercover please." he said quietly so only I could hear and then he took of his hand

" umm.......... hi I guess my name is Emily Richardson nice to meet you and dont worry I wont tell anyone and I guess you came here with uncle si because he told us you guys will be here to evaluate my best friend Diana Cowell right" while walking up to the attendence sheet ticking off Diana's name

" Yes that right and hi thx for not screamiing or telling I really appreciate it and by the way you are really cute when you talk nervously dont worey you dont need to be nervous around me cause I am sure we will be seeing each other alot if you give me your number how about that" he said smiling at the end a smile that made my heart melt

" yeah sure here" handing him my phone while he handed me his

*************Diana pov******************

When I took off I looked back to see emily entering the hall but since I was running I bumped into something really HARD and we both fell with me on top

"  Omg I am extremely sorry I wasnt looking it fault are you okay Omg this is all my fault I am really sorry..." but I got cut off with a voice that I am familiar with
" Its fine I am alright and no its not your fault only I wasnt looking either" he said and with that I looked up to meet rhe most beautiful brown eyes that belonged to the one and only Zayn Malik that made my heart melt

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