The unicorns

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The wind whistle through the leaves of the trees, leaving the leaves shaking. A trickle of a stream rang out clear as day.

2 long figures walked through the trees, their heads bowed. They were a snowy white colour, with long manes ans tails.These creatures looked like horses; same body,same hard hooves and flowing mane and tail, same pointy ears and large eyes, same long legs. But these creatures had something more. Something pointy and sharp, glowing and reflecting sun. It's sat in the dead centre of their face; slightly above their liquid brown eyes. It sparkled and twirled, casting a strange mist around it.

These 'horses' walked forward, towards a meadow covered in violet flowers. Their heads were raised now, and the one on the left, the slightly smaller one let out a whinny that echoed around the small grassy area. Everything was still and oddly silent for a minute. Nothing moved and nothing sounded.

Slowly but surely, the slightly larger one moved forward and thrust it's nose in the air letting out a whiny. Butunlike the smaller ' horse' , who's whiny was soft and gentle, this one was loud and sharp; it seemed to pierce the air. There was a slight pause, before a rustle sounded In the bushes, and something long and slender moved out from the bushy forest.

This thing on closer inspection, this was another ' horse' except it was a coal black color, and was followed by a miniature version of itself. The foal stumbled and thumbled after its mother, it's blue eyes curious and wide. The mother nickered softly and stopped for a second, allowing her off spring to catch up.The leaped and crashed into its mothers hind quarters.

There was a more rustles, and more of these creatures walked out, from all different directions. There was foals, elders, coal blacks, snowy whites, and even a few with purple tinged coats.

After about 10 minutes of this process , there was about 40 odd 'horses' standing around the original 2. All these animals had the Same strange horns things in the middle of their heads.

I guess you have already worked this out by now

But these were not horses

These were unicorns.


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And it will get mor einteresting I promise!

Well thanks for taking the time to read!:)

<3 heather

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2012 ⏰

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