Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Trek Continues

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I carefully walked toward the living room and plopped myself down into a seat causing the musty chair to squeak underneath me. I leaned back waiting for everyone to get ready for the day ahead of us as I dumped the rest of my breakfast into my mouth, chewing happily.

Judith's eyes looked heavy, she struggled to keep them open but it already seemed like it was time for a nap even this early in the morning. Tyreese was already taking one with her. His broad chest rose her up and down with every breath he took causing the perfect environment and motion for a sleepy baby. He had his large hand wrapped around her making sure she wouldn't fall. I smiled at the sight of the two of them while chewing the last of the dried fruits.

The house had a buzz to it, everyone eager to continue on our journey. Rick, Beth, Noah, Michonne, and Carl all lingered in the kitchen while Daryl and Carol sat out front on the porch. Although the other groups got the two SUVs, we'd be traveling on foot. I believe it had to do with some of them going to Washington since that was much too far of a walk from here.

I decided I should probably change and get both of my bags packed up as well. I cautiously stood and made the trek to my room, my feet tapping against the hardwood floors. I supposed I should get some shoes on, too.

I closed the door behind me and set my two bags onto my bunk. Not a single walker could be seen though the smudged window so it must have moved on for the day.

I snatched my old, bloody, torn up jeans off of the floor and threw them into a small princess trashcan which had remained untouched for countless amounts of years until then. I shuffled through my bags removing any wrappers before rearranging everything. I counted how many tampons and granola bars I had left and even made sure to put my open chocolate bar in its own pocket for safe keeping. Then, I unbutton my shorts and slipped them down my legs. I changed my underwear before pulling out my new jeans from my backpack and tugged them on. They fit perfectly, and looked good too.

I really hopped they had somewhere to wash our clothes at Terminus. I was starting to run out of clean ones from my last wash at the lake. With that in mind I pulled my sweaty top over my head ignoring my bones that protruded from my olive skin and changed into a green t-shirt. Finally, I put on my new socks that I found at the old house, then my boots and grabbed my jacket from the floor.

I made sure to double check that my dad's second hunting knife still remained secure in my bag before zipping both closed and dragging them out through the door.

Noah walked out of his room with his drawstring bag slung around his shoulder at the same time as I did. I gave him a smile and walked alongside him down the hall. Rick folded up a map in his hands as we entered the living room. He looked over at us with unwavering stillness before clearing his throat.

"Alright, let's get going." Rick announced carrying Judith toward the door.

Carl must have gotten his bag that was on his shoulder and his sheriff's hat that was on his head when I went to my room. He adjusted his hat over his eyes before stepping out onto the rickety porch.

We all headed through the dead, dewy grass field toward the tracks again. The sun hadn't peaked its way above the tree line yet which gave us all a chill. The air was cold and wet but thankfully Noah held one of my bags for me while I slipped my arms into my jacket sleeves. I thanked him before taking my bag back and layering them over my shoulders.

The walk to Terminus was taking longer than I had expected. It didn't help with how short the days felt, and that I had gotten hurt but frankly, I just wanted to be there. I wanted to be safe and together with everyone else again. Meet new people, make new friends, maybe find old ones.

My eyes caught Judith shaking around a baby pink lamb over her father's shoulder, no doubt from the little girls room that Tara and I stayed in. Someone must have taken some toys for the baby girl to occupy her little mind. Who knew when we'd find another toy filled room for her in the future. Although, I did have my fingers crossed that Terminus would have a pink princess room Tara and I could share again. I chuckled at my own thoughts and Judith giggled along with me. Tara would've laughed at that, too. The rest of this trip there was going to be like hell without her here.


As the growls behind us got louder my nerves started to rise. I found myself turning around each minute and a new walker always seemed to appear like magic. I was not used to being this close to so many. When I was alone living in my cabin, I'd always steer clear of them keeping low, only killing those that got too close or were in the way of what I needed or where I needed to go. I would've never let this many build up behind me before. Even though it wasn't just me by myself anymore, there was more of the undead than there were of us on the tracks.

On the other hand, each map we passed for Terminus continued to become more and more detailed than the last indicating that we must be getting close. Considering we'd been walking most of the day with only a few mild conversations going, I was very happy to see each sign. Maybe the guards of Terminus could take out the horde for us.

The tracks had gotten thinner and the tree line had inched closer. The tracks ran though so much thick forest it looked as though it would never end. The sunlight could only shine through small spaces between the leaves and branches around us keeping us chilled but also blocking any wind that would cause us to be too cold. Rick kept reminding us to stick closer together but that was hard when the tracks were jagged and uneven from years without maintenance. Nevertheless, Rick's words and the walker's growls kept us moving in a group, and thankfully I was not at the very back this time.

Rick called us to a stop and we all halted. I glanced behind us toward the horde in fear that they could catch us from just a few seconds stopped. To my surprise they had fallen behind, maybe about thirty feet back, most likely due to all their stumbling and pushing.

With a huff, Rick threw his large rifle onto his back and pulled out his map. He pointed somewhere on the paper for Tyreese, Beth, and Carol to see, tracing his finger around and discussing it with them. They all nodded along with his directions and I again looked back at the oncoming horde. They were getting closer. I wiped a thin sheen of sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand.

With Judith resting on her hip, Beth gave a worried smile to everyone. I looked around confused, but suddenly the entirety of the group seemed upset as well. Daryl was the first to step forward and gave Beth a kiss on the head, his large hand pulling her in from the back of the neck. At the same time, Rick offered some encouraging words to Tyreese before Michonne gave Beth a side hug. Daryl turned and swept Carol into the biggest hug, crushing her small, fragile frame with his large arms. Carol struggled to breathe but hugged him back anyway with a sad laugh.

Suddenly, the group separated into two on each side of the tracks and I came to understand. We were splitting up, yet again.

Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carl, Noah, and I stood across from Beth, Carol, Judith and Tyreese. Carol looked ready to head out, but I couldn't tell if it was simply to get away from the approaching walkers or something else entirely.

"Stay safe, we'll see you soon." Beth's small voice called to us all before turning into the woods. I waved them off as Rick reluctantly dropped Judith's tiny hand with a kiss and forced his feet to walk down the tracks again, wasting no more time.

Some of the trailing walkers followed the others into the forest while the closer ones stuck to us. Either way, I made sure I didn't slow down.


Sorry this is a bit on the boring side but they're on their way to Terminus again so it's gunna be boring. However, I do have a two parter chapter coming up soon, which I absolutely love.

How many chapters more do you think it will take them to get there? Do you think I'll follow the plot? Let me know your predictions.

Also, leave me a comment of corrections, suggestions or just what you think! Vote, follow me, and share this to your buddies :) lol

Love you all, hope you're enjoying. Hope you're happy about the back to back update :)

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