ch 1

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She walked through the halls after school, wearing a long sleeved black dress that went past her knees in length. It flowed around her soft looking, shapely legs that were toned from years of practice for sports and dancing. She liked to think of herself as a jack of all trades, master of none, so she dealt with a bit of everything. Though she herself was fairly rich she decided to enter the school through a scholarship, she was able to excel in many areas so she chose dance, art, and music which were a few of her loves. She could sing fairly well from soprano and could reach tenor range with ease, and though she doesn't know how to professionally play the piano or guitar, she likes playing some notes, putting them together and making a beautiful sound. As for dance she can do ballet, waltz, rumba, mambo, fox trot, as well as hip hop, and freestyle. Some of her freestyle dancing though she will only do alone in her home, or in a club after a few drinks. She looked down at her map and then back up, trying to find a free room that wasn't being used for a club to practice in. in order to keep the scholarship she needed to come up with a song and dance routine and have a art portfolio set up. She figured a few anime drawings as well as scenic drawings and photos would do for the portfolio. She came upon the music rooms that she had been searching for. Slowly room by room she checked to find an empty one. She came upon the third one and rose petals hit her chest. Her eyes adjusted within seconds and she heard a distinct "welcome" from 7 voices, one sounded feminine while the other 6 ranged in a male range. She walked in a little further, holding the door open, she put on a smile "hello, I'm sorry to intrude I'm just trying to find a room that wasn't holding a club." out of the individuals a blonde waltzed up to her… just to see their eyes barely were level with her chest. Everyone was wide eyed at the tall girl who stood at about 6'2. her body shaped and toned with obvious muscle. She looked down realizing the blonde had been going on about something. "so what is your type princess? The silent type?" the blonde waved to the tall black haired individual. She never assumes gender, knowing full well how genders have been portrayed as of late. "the boy lolita type?" they waved to the short adorable blonde holding a cute rabbit and was on the tall ones shoulder. She smiled at the cutie. "the devious type?" they then waved to whom appeared to be red haired twins. "the cool type?" they waved to the other black haired individual whom wore glasses and was writing in a black book. "the natural type?" the blonde waved to a brunette now. They grabbed her hand affectionately "or maybe you'd prefer me, the princely type?" they kissed her hand acting ever so gentle. She smiled, not very affected. "I'd rather just to find an empty room to practice in thank you. I'm-" she was cut off by the cool type, whom was reading from their book "Seraphina Firerose, age 17, year 2, mother Patricia Firerose, father John Firerose, only child, here at Ouran on a dance, music, and art scholarship, blood type AB, born and raised in America, having come to Japan during the summer." they snapped their book close looking up at the tall female whom had a stern look on her face. She said in a reprimanding tone "though you did exemplary work with your research, it is very rude and unbecoming to interupt someone whom was going to explain who they were in the first place and makes you come off as a stalker to others around you. You may want to tone back on how you show your intelligence as it may bring you trouble, and that was not a threat but just a gentle reprimand. Now if you'd please I'd very much like to know your names and how you identify for in my experience just because you appear one gender you could identify as any." she waved to the bubbly small blonde, she smiled gently nodding them to go on. "I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call me Honey! I identify as male! And this is usa-chan! Usa is a he too. This is Takashi Morinozuka, you can call him Mori! He doesn't talk much." Mori nodded in greeting. The other blonde still standing holding her hand said "my dear princess, I am Tamaki Suoh! I also identify as male!" the brunette spoke up "I'm Haruhi Fujioka, and I honestly don't identify as male or female but you can use he/him terms." everyone else seemed to just stop and stare at Haruhi, dumbfounded. Seraphina smiled and nodded. The cool type went next. "I am Kyoya Ootori, I identify as a male." he went to a seemingly specific page and started writing quickly. She looked at the twins. One with a softer voice, a tenor if she had to put to singing terms said "I'm Kaoru-" then the other whom had a baritone voice, which is close to a tenor but is just slightly deeper said "and I'm Hikaru-" they leaned against each others backs  and said in synch "and we are the Hitachiin twins! We are male, for the record." she nodded and smiled at everyone. "well gentlemen, it was a fine experience meeting you but I must inquire, do you know of any empty rooms that I may be able to use?" Kyoya looked up to her and pushed his glasses up, making them glare, but she could see above the rim, seeing a calculating look in his eyes.

(ohshc fanfic X Black Butler Crossover) jack of all tradesWhere stories live. Discover now