Maxon and America-Wedding! (A Selection fanfic)

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America's POV

I tenderly caressed the beautiful white silk of my gown. I ran my fingers lightly over the smooth, soft fabric in wonder. I had never touched something so elegant and so delicate in my life. But this was supposed to be the best day that I would ever live, so there was a reason why I was wearing something so remarkable.

My feet shifted in my shoes. They weren't uncomfortable, but I was unspeakably nervous so I had to do something to occupy myself. I paced back and forth, feeling the inside material of my dress delicately rub my legs. I heard the door to the dressing room creak open and my father's head poked around the side. When his eyes landed on me, they began brimming with tears and he beamed sadly.

"Kitten," he breathed with pride. He entered the room and approached me. He embraced me; I had never been so grateful to him before. A hug was really what I needed right now. He didn't say anything, just stood there holding me close to him, holding me in his arms. I appreciated his silence too. I didn't trust myself to speak, and I felt like I would puke if I so much as opened my mouth.

Finally Dad let go of me and held my shoulders at an arms length. He shook his head proudly and I could see he was fighting back tears. He lead me over to the the full sized mirror across the room to allow me to see my reflection for the first time. I sucked in a breath.

"Before me stood a girl wearing a long,white, silk wedding dress that flowed out at her waist. Her flaming red hair was pinned neatly into a simple, but graceful bun and silver diamonds were clipped into her hair. Her skin was pale, but not sickly. Her cheeks were a pink, rose colour and her eyes were blue as ice. I blinked and the girl blinked back at me. For the first time in my life, I felt beautiful.

The door opened again and I turned to see May skipping into the room. She was wearing a pretty, pink dress with a white ribbon wrapped around her waist. Her hair was plaited down her back. She froze when she saw me, then a huge smile lit up her face. She galloped over to me and buried herself in my gown.

"Oh, Ames," she gushed. "You're so beautiful! You look like a real princess!" She stood on the tips of her toes to kiss my cheek. "I can't believe this is happening. You are actually marrying the prince!"

I smiled down at her.

"Yeah, I'm still pretty shocked too," I whispered back to her. She smiled.

"I have to go now and join Mom." May sighed. "But I'll see you later, Ames." She sauntered back over to the door, gave me a small wave and slipped away. I turned back to my father.

"Ready?" Dad asked.

"Nope," I replied. My hands started shaking. I wasn't ready to show myself in front of the whole of Illèa. I wasn't ready for them watch me get married and become a princess. But I never would be, so I had better get it over with.

Dad kissed my hand and hugged me again, then pulled the veil over my face.

"I'm so proud of you, America. I love you," he said, and lead me to the door.


Big, grand oaken double doors stood before me. It was only a matter of minutes before they opened and I was revealed to Maxon and the rest of the country. Dad took my trembling hands in his and held them tight. It reassured me but I was still nervous. We waited in silence, the guards at either side of the doors staring straight ahead. I was scared to look too closely at them in case I came across the familiar, brilliant green eyes of Aspen; I was afraid to see him. He was so upset when Maxon proposed, he was furious, jealous and heart broken. But I trusted that I was doing the right thing, and I was sure that he would find someone else. He deserved to.

All too soon, two guards came and hauled open the huge wooden doors and the sound of an organ met my ears. Faces turned to me, all filled with admiration and pride. I smiled tightly, willing away the urge to throw up. This was happening too fast. Before I knew it, I was at the top of the aisle. Dad released my arm and gave me an encouraging nod, while tears filled his eyes and threatened to spill over. I nodded back to him, and he reluctantly pivoted to take his seat beside my mother. I took a quick glance at the people seated in the pews. Behind Mom, Dad, Kenna, May and Gerad, all the Daughters of Illèa were seated in a total of four pews.

I caught Kriss's eyes. She gave me a sad thumbs up. I smiled at her. I knew this must be hard for her.

Celeste was looking radiant, but her eyes were cold, as if she would kill to be in my place. I tried not to let it get to me.

I looked back around to face my prince. I had avoided looking at him until now. I wasn't really sure why, maybe I was saving the best 'till last. But either way, here he was.

He gazed down at me lovingly. His big, brown eyes were so full of love and of longing that it was contagious. Instantly, I had the urge to kiss him right there and then but I knew I would have to wait for the preacher's signal. I put away my feelings and concentrated on what the preacher was saying, or tried to at least. Maxon offered many small smiles and his eyes spoke to me the whole time. They told me he cared for me, they told me that he would always be there for me. They told me that he loved me.

After some time, in which I could not keep track of, Maxon took my hands in his. He gave them a quick squeeze and began to speak.

"In the presence of these witnesses, I, Maxon Schreave, take you, America Singer, to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, in sorrow or in joy, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live." His voice was smooth and deep. He seemed so calm, so sure. I knew that I wouldn't sound the same. I made my vows too. I made it through it all without hesitating, but I was still relieved when I had finished. Maxon placed the shiny, gold ring on my finger and I on his.

Finally, the ceremony was almost at its end. I knew this would never happen to me again; you only have one wedding day. I knew King Clarkson was watching us disapprovingly, and that Queen Amberly was looking forward to welcome me as her own daughter. I tried to block out everything, and when I concentrated on Maxon, I could.

"Please seal your vows with a kiss," the preacher said.

Maxon gazed at me, and after a moment, bent down to meet his lips with mine.

The crowd errupted and we broke apart, grinning. We turned to walk down the aisle of cheering friends and family, clapping hands, petals raining down on us. We walked through the pews and my nervousness had eventually vanished. I felt light hearted, now that the hard bit was over. There was a spring in my step and I tugged on Maxon's arm to get him to walk faster. He stopped me at the doors.

"America Singer," he whispered, "Do you love me?"

I didn't have to think about it. I did, without a doubt. My heart was bursting and overflowing with love for him. And nothing would ever change that.

"I smiled and replied:

"I do."

America and Maxon Wedding(my version)Where stories live. Discover now