Chapter Seven

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Later that night Gran had gone up to her loft and everyone else found a place to sleep on the main floor. V and Jin slept on either side of one of the couches while Suga took up the entirety of the other couch. J-Hope was sleeping in a makeshift setup across all the barstools near the kitchen. It doesn't sound comfortable, but he was sound asleep. Jungkook and RM were the only ones still awake. Jungkook was in the single seat that Gran was sitting in earlier with his legs hanging over one arm and his head resting on the other. RM got the floor, but everyone had given him pillows from the couches to be more comfortable. The lightning had subsided for the most part, but the rain was still pounding against the roof and windows.

"How do we get back home, Jungkook?" RM asked, staring up at the ceiling in thought. "We'll find Jimin tomorrow, and then what? I don't want to stay here. It seems like a nice place, but we have to get back."

"Well, if we can't find a way to do that, I mean, we could all be superheroes like Jimin! These powers are really cool." It was quiet for a moment as Jungkook remembered RM didn't have any.  "You could be our leader in the control room, you know?"

"That dragon is still after us." RM said quickly. "So long as we have these powers he'll be hunting us down. I don't mind this place, but I want to go back home."

There was silence again. They both stared at the ceiling beams that were decorated with strings of lights that looked like stars.

"Our fans are waiting for us. We can't leave ARMY." Jungkook said.

"There are so many people on earth that care for us." RM turned onto his side facing the coffee table and the other members on the couches. "That's where we've worked so hard to accomplish our goals too. We've gotten so far, so to just change everything and stay here? I don't know."

"It would be a bit of a relief in a way. It seems like we never get a break anymore. I barely sleep at all. And we have to keep up our appearance and our character all the time."

"But if we stay here, that Dragon will keep chasing us till we have nowhere left to go. And even if we do manage to escape, what then? We'd have to start again from the beginning in this world."

"Yeah." Jungkook said. "Yeah I think I want to go home."

"Who knows, maybe there's a way to give the dragon back its powers and get us out of here alive."

V, laying on his stomach so his wings hung in the air like a canopy over the couch, twitched and mumbled "Jiminie pabo".

RM and Jungkook chuckled.

"Well, first things first. Let's get Jimin tomorrow and figure it out from there" Jungkook said, pulling a blanket over himself. "Goodnight RM"

"Goodnight Jungkook"

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