Chapter 7

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Del turned on his laptop and connected to the internet browser. He checked on several websites looking for jobs in the credit card industry. He also made a few profiles of his application and experience. It took several hours. He was getting thirsty. Next to the motel was a small liquor and he had made alcohol runs there. He left his room and grabbed a six pack of beer, a pint of rum. Del wanted to buy more but his funds were running low. After exiting the liquor store. He saw a black SUV parked across the street. It had black tinted windows. He thought it was odd seeing a car like that in this part of town. He also sensed that somebody was watching them.

Walking faster, he moved into the motel and quickly entered his room. He wasn't sure why he felt this way but it seemed somebody was watching him. He was breathing heavy and he stood for a few minutes at the front of his doorway and listened to the door. Moving toward the rough ugly brown drapes, he looked outside. He didn't see anything that looked suspicious.

He shook his head and dumped his alcohol on his table. Grabbing a beer, he opened it and took a long drink. He felt better. His laptop was still on with his screen saver on the monitor. He shook his head. He should had hid his computer before he left. He burped and sat down. Glancing at the time, he knew he had several more hours before he could see his daughter.

He scanned a few more job websites and didn't see anything promising. He gave up. He couldn't see anything that he was qualified for or wanted to do. He became despondent. He grabbed another beer. His mom always told him to work for the government but he knew that those jobs take a long time to get any had to take a test. He found a city government site and he was typing in his on line application. His computer turned off for a second and came back on. Del shook his head. His laptop never did that before.

"What the hell?"

Something was wrong. He felt it at the pit of his stomach. Grabbing another beer, he looked at his laptop and had it scan for virus and spyware. He also defragmented it. There was no viruses. Laying on his bed, he closed his eyes and then he awoke. The time was nearly 3:00 o'clock and he thought he could see his daughter tomorrow and he also realized that he was intoxicated. He looked over to his stash of alcohol and realized he drank all his bear. He needed to sober up.

He decided to play Striker Blast. He clicked on the icon and went into the game world. When his screen opened, he was in world. The barracks look different. He was in a small city, but warriors and military people around. The Battle Sergeant. He was dressed in a different uniform with more metals on his shirt. He came up the top of the screen.

The Battle Sergeant said, "Welcome new recruits. You are now the new Elite battle class Marine. We welcome you to the new Macros base. Also, with your new class, you get a type of new enforced shields and also new type of guns and ammo. Head over to the service supply depot, when you're done looking around. And will get you suited up for your next mission."

The Battle Sergeant disappeared. A chat box came up. It was on the left of the screen and semi-transparent. Del was about to close the chat box. He usually only talk to John when he was playing but he was at work.

But the chat box read, "Hello Del, we like to welcome you to this new area of the came. We had a representative of the Striker Blast game talk to you. We invited you to the new type of game. You could earn money if you if you decide to play. If you're interested you have the card."

Then the chat box disappeared. Del was intrigued. He walked around the new base which looked nothing he saw before. The city was more futuristic looking with bright lights and other new areas to explore like a sci-fi bar with beautiful robotic women serving drinks to an arcade with old 2d arcade games. He walked to the new supply depot. The soldier behind the counter was a gorgeous redhead.

Evil Unbound (Litrpg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang