
37 4 2

One year after the incident.

Even though the thought of my parents hating me haunted me in the back of my head I still remained my cheerful self and eventually they came around to accept me once again.

But they did have a condition to keep me quiet from the world, as my parents were influential nobles.

So they did keep me hidden and there are rumors that they are hiding me because I'm ugly, but I don't know what that has to do with anything.

And to contradict them, I am actually pretty good looking, or so what everyone in the mansion says.

I was on my tree one day enjoying the scenery once again when Sebastian once again called for my presence in the dining room for dinner.

It was already dark so I had to be careful when getting down from the tree.

I was pretty high up this time, about a 38 ft drop from here.

I was thinking about what the dinner would be when I misplaced my foot and slipped from the branch I was standing on.

After that all I saw was black.

Where am I...?

Memories flooded my head as well with all sorts of knowledge about where I am and my reincarnation.

My slightly surprised eyes went back to my usual dull and empty ones.

Damn.... did I fall?

Well at least I regained my memories.

Now let's see if the old man actually stuck to his promise.

I looked around the check that the room was empty before I said 'status' in my head.

A transparent blue screen popped up with information about me written on it.

«Name» Daniel Cain
«age» 7
«level» 1

[HP] 15000 [MP] 15000

«Strength» 1500
«Agility» 3000
«Stamina» 2235
«Luck» 45
«Charm» 2250
«Intelligence» 22500 (considering the fact that he now knows basically all of the knowledge in the world)

(A/N If you want an explanation on why he's so overpowered I will explain so ask if you want one. :3 it makes sense I swear!)

[Passive Skills] lvl 1 analyze- be able to see the stats and lvl of your opponent, or just some random dude on the street. As skill levels up, more information will be shown.

Wow. Thanks god.

I heard the door knob turning so I exited out of the screen and stared at the opening door.

The people entering were my parents and Sebastian.

As soon as their eyes met mine they visibly flinched and looked pale.

"Sebastian, you said my child wasn't dead, so what happened?!" My mother screamed.

( A/N She believes that Daniel is dead because of how dull and empty his eyes are)

Sebastian panicked when he heard this news and quickly rushed over to my side to check my vitals.

My eyes followed him where he walked, which was by my side, and when he reached his hand out to check my pulse, I blocked his hand with my arm.

He looked shocked by my actions.

"Don't touch me." I Said in a tone colder than ice.

He flinched.

"Daniel, what's wrong with you?" My father asked in a demanding tone but I noticed the flash of slight fear in his eyes.

Why are they acting like this?


I must be different to the Daniel that they know.

Oh well.

Let's just act ignorant for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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