You Can't Cage Me

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~~~~ Please Note, a lot of typos and grammatical errors will be found. So, still editing and bare with me. This is just a short story. Also ^ that art is credit to notagingermaan from Devian Art. To add, this is just fan-fiction. All rights and origins to Riot and its Champion creator.~~~ 


 "Why didn't you guys listen to me?! Why?!... " My voice cracked as I blurted out the words in sorrow, staring at the two lifeless bodies before me while my knees dug to the earth harshly.  My sobs filled the forest and tears would cake my cheek.  With trembling hands, I stared dead parents.  Their corpses paled with plumb veins streaked across their cheeks. They had been in Kumungu jungle for three days seeking the rare treasure that rumored to dwell there. Ancient wars had occurred in Kumungu and certain tribes that lived in it kept the treasures hidden from foreigners . Sadly, the word got out somehow and most outsiders have been competing to find it, including the squad of Noxian woodcutters.

 " It wasn't worth I told you this place.. felt bad. " — I wept again.

Another few minutes had passed by and I simply grew numb unable to cry any more. I didn't have the strength. My head was pounding and my chest was tight. I couldn't help but to gaze around the ever- green jungle I was now stranded in. Our plane had left us three days ago and it was not schedule to return until tomorrow. A surge of fear suddenly crept in me. The thought of coming to a reality of being lost in this forest filled with danger struck me cold. How on earth was I a twelve year going to make it? Luckily ,I had paid attention to my parents when they drilled survival lesson over and over in me.  They had preparations in case something went wrong.  The two were archaeologist..well.. Dead ones now.  

A deep lump formed in my throat when I forced myself to get up. Dusting off my, dirty jeans I set my eyes to the tall trees watching a group of birds fly by. I was now frighten, afraid that the mysterious disease in which killed my parents would kill me next. For now, I am to fight for survival...and defend my life from the creatures of this forest and any life which threatens me.  Another tear had strolled down my cheek and i gave one last look at my dead fountainheads. It was last time I'd ever see them. My name is Nidalee and I'm hoping ill find a way out from this scary place.

 Present Day

I might of had a rough past in my childhood, but somewhere along the lines i realized fate brought me here and made me who i am today. Today was hotter then usual, but this was something i was use to.  One of the things i enjoy about this forest is drinking out of the clear waters of Kumungu's river. In fact, I'm headed there now. My throat is parched and i need to quench this thirst.  The moment i began walking a certain noise caught my attention. i came to an abrupt halt and turned my head to the direction the sound was coming from.  " strange.."  I uttered.  Relying on my advance hearing, i was finally able to make out the sound. wood It was then that i concluded what was going on.

 "Imbeciles," — I growl between greeted teeth . Quickly turning around, I decided to face the direction to where the raucous was coming from. I instantly gripped the bridge of my sharp spear and dashed towards the commotion.  Once I neared the location, I slowed my pace and cautiously approached them but from a distance, so as to prevent myself from being exposed. I squatted low, blending with the grass  I narrowed my eyes the second I watched one of them hammer down the bark of a tree, chopping down its trunk. A disgusted look shot across my face and the corner' of my lips gave a twitch.    

" Noxians... those invading bastards. Their stench never changes. They just keep coming back. " I lowly muttered.  

My jaws clenched tightly annoyed with their constant intrusion.  The one thing that infuriated me more, is that I knew these guys weren't just wood cutting Noxian, but they were also soldiers of the city's military. These Noxian squads were the primary reason why l aggressively protect these lands.

Head Huntress ( League of Ledgends Fan Fiction )(Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now