puppeteer (original) - Rebel Solstice

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We've got a copy cat in this room of fright. You better beware of his lurking sights. Never close your eyes cause the puppeteer's gonna play with you tonight. Never close your eyes  because the puppeteer's gonna play with you tonight. Beware he lies! He glitches! He'll gain your trust, and give you stitches! Be afraid of this maniac! When you least expect it he will attack! He cannot be trusted!  He wants to watch the whole world burn!  He sits back and laughs at this sick turn! We sit and watch it unfold, piece by piece we get stuck in his hold. He gains our attention and we start to mention that he is not the one in control. We say: "we've got a copy cat in this room of fright! Beware he lies, don't close your eyes cause the puppeteer's gonna play with us tonight." He tries to make us quiet again but we decide not to bend. We say: "Beware! Beware! We've got a copy cat in this room of fright! He tries and lies with all his might! Don't close your eyes cause the puppeteer's gonna come for us tonight! Beware cause the puppeteer's gonna come for you tonight! Beware of the puppeteer's might! Beware of the puppeteer's might!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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