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Okie. So. Most of you do not know what the CG/L community is. Let me learn you somethin

The CG/L community is made up of Littles and Caregivers, also known as Doms

A Little is an adult(but not really, it can be a teen)  who reverts to a childlike state of mind to deal with stress, trauma, depression, anxiety, etc. Littles can have different (mental) ages. Usually the age is based upon their actual childhood, though not all the time. It can be the time they felt most safe, or most abandoned, to try to make up for it. Again, their age does not necessarily reflect upon this. 

 A Caregiver is the person the Little is in a relationship with. They care for the Little.  And they're dominant. The Little usually refers to them as Daddy or Mommy, though this changes in some cases 

Now, Littles and their Caregivers are not always sexual, which is a common misconception. Some Littles prefer to safe their sexual life for when they're Big, or their "normal" self or age 

Also, the community has NOTHING to do with incest or pedophilia

If you would like to know more, there are plenty of books on here about it and can give you more information. Just search some variation of the following:





Ddlb books

Ddlg books

Or something of the sort. You'll figure it out, I'm sure 

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