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Jimin looked into the mirror as he buttoned up his light blue shirt and fixed his collar. A small smile crept up his face when he thought about the various possible things that could happen today.

He could kiss her, could get to see her smile, touch her, feel her in his arms. And if things went the right way, he believed he could even bring her home...

He shook his head, smiling sheepishly, as though trying to shake off his thoughts.

That could never happen. Just calm yourself down, he thought as he made his tie and took the hairbrush in his hand.

Once he combed his chocolate brown hair neatly-his bangs swept to one side like a swift wave in the ocean- he suddenly chuckled. He had done it the wrong way.

He remembered what she had told him the first day they had went out on a date. She had said that she liked his hair when he left it untouched- she could play with it all day and never get bored of it, feeling the softness run through her fingers- and so he decided to ruffle his hair and keep it the way she liked it- a messy heaven.

It was the first time he had been so excited. Even on their first date, his heart hadn't thumped that much.

Maybe it was because he wasn't in love back then.

No, he did like her then. A lot. But he wasn't sure whether he would want to wake up next to her everyday.

But now, after years of getting to see her smile at the little jokes he made, hear her laugh when he ran his fingers over her skin and the fact he started liking all the little things about her- be it the way the small mole on her chin moved as she talked, the way her hair poked her eyes and the tiny blinks that followed or even the way her teeth gently pushed down on her bottom lip as she concentrated on something- he knew he had fallen in love.

A little too hard.

He looked at the time. It was nine in the morning and he had exactly one hour to meet her.

He breathed in, feeling the chilly winter air passing through his nose, into his lungs and then spreading into his blood.

He felt nostalgia wash over him. The cold reminded him of the times when he and winter had no difference at all.

He was emotionless, not caring to spare a second glance at the ones he wasn't related to. He was cold- freezing people to death with his intense and intimidating stare- and strong -not allowing anyone to break the walls he had built around himself. He was brutal as many had called him. But little did they know during those days, that someday a warm sunshine could melt his icy heart and creep in through the small crack in his wall and make him warm, like July.

For she was spring, holding onto his hand and walking with him from winter to summer.

Jimin opened his eyes, not even knowing when he had closed them and walked across the room, away from the mirror and towards the shelf that was left untouched for weeks.

He had been busy. He couldn't even spend much time with her this month. And so he had decided to meet her today, apologise to her and bring back a smile on her face.

I miss her already, he thought as he reached out for the diary kept on the top of the shelf.

Her diary.

He ran his fingers across its hard cover. Almost immediately a warm, tingling sensation ran down his back but he chose to ignore it.

He opened it. The smell overwhelmed him. It smelled of honey and mint and woodsmoke. Honey, because of the perfume she wore everyday. Mint, because of the numerous gums he chewed on. And woodsmoke, because of the many days they sat together in front of the fireplace and she wrote in the diary.

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