1 - The beginning

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       Hi guys! *wave This is my new story in my new account. I hope you'll enjoy it and help me with comments or vote. Thank you!

 I was walking around my room, getting ready for school when i heard the usual sound of my parents fighting. It's funny because they still think that I have no idea what was going on and I picture us as being the perfect family...it was far away from the truth. Even if they were trying their best not to show me this side, being that obvious didn't really helped them... but I got used to it and finally learned to live with it.

         I started walking down to the kitchen for my breakfast after making sure I didn't forget anything and the image I was seeing was what I expected. My mom smiled at me and handed me the pancakes she had done while my father was reading the newspaper like it was the most interesting thing in the world. They are so predictable. Just act like nothing happened and look like they have been enjoying each other company instead of have been arguing all morning, almost ripping their heads out.

        "Good morning, honey" said my father taking his eyes off the paper and giving me a small smile while I was reaching in my seat and started eating like there was no tomorrow. To my defense, I have a good appetite and no one can take that away from me.

         "Good morning" I responded with my mouth full. I'm such a lady.

        While I was finishing my food I started studying my parents again. My mom was a natural red haired woman with emerald eyes and my dad was a blonde haired man with the same emerald eyes. I on the other hand have a pair of blue eyes and a long dark brown hair. Sometimes I wonder if we are even related.

    I didn't really have time to go further in this subject because suddenly a loud car horn made me realize that my best friend Patty was outside and she was waiting for me. She usually gives me a ride to school because one time we tried to change the roles and I was the one who should give her a ride but we were lucky we finally arrived at school before the third period... yeah , sometimes I wonder what would  happen if I didn't have her by my side.. We have been best friends since the freshman year and now we are seniors.  It all started with the words "Miss Rhodes, your partner is Miss Willis"

      I gave my mom a fast peak on the cheek as a 'thank you for the delicious food’, said my goodbyes and ran out throw the door.

     As I entered Patty's car, I noticed again how beautiful my soul sister is. She has golden curly hair with a pair of blue eyes that were shining like you were looking at the see. Sometimes, I wonder how a perfect person like her ended up with someone like me. She is the sky type but full with generosity and carefulness. She is my twin from another mother.

     "I started thinking that someone kidnapped you and I was about to run like a crazy person to the nearest police station. Luckily, you finally decided to show up" she said in a sarcastic tone while I rolled my eyes.

     "Good morning to you, too. I have a wonderful day till now, thanks for asking by the way." Now was her turn to roll her eyes and a small smile appear on her face. It was better than the annoyed look she had earlier.

     The rest of the car ride was normal. We shared the news and every gossip we heard and now I was standing in front of my locker, taking my books for my first period when something catch my attention. With the corner of my eye I could see that not far away from me were standing two people with whom I have no interest in interacting. They were Jasmine Jennings and Andrew Torres. They were the popular ones. While she was the cheerleader head with her red hair and green eyes, he was in soccer team and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Typically. But I must admit, he was hot. No surprise he was so popular. What a shame he was a jerk... why couldn't he be a nerd that falls madly in love with me like in all the romance stories and live happily ever after? Yeah, I know... welcome in reality April.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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