Paradise (10)

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Me: Ok guys, I am alive. I finally got the update up. I had to write this twice!! This is better than the original chapter so you better appreciate this!! Anyway-

Zoë: Hey, why did you have to write this twice?

Me: Why are you here you're supposed to be in the story!!!!!!

Zoë: I got bored driving in the van. You stuck me there for like two weeks with Fizt and Simmons.

Me: WATTPAD DELETED MY CHAPTER!!!!!! I had to rewrite it!!!

Zoë: Well you could have done it faster!! And why haven't I met my new friends yet??!!?? You said I'd meet them by now!!!

Me: Well things change. HEY this is stupid we need to get on to the chapter!!

Zoë: Fine fine fine. Also, fangirl9943 owns nothing awesome except me and the plot line.

Me: Thank you Z. Now GET BACK IN THE BOOK!!!!


Zoë's POV

We drove all over creation for about a hour trying to loose Sunglasses Guy. We took dusty back roads, main roads, a highway, and lost him around the forty five minute mark. Rising from my seat in the back I stood up and wobbled to the empty passenger seat next to Coulsen. Plopping down next to him I asked, "So where are we going?"

"To a motel without bed bugs," the reply came, "where no one will find us."

"Ok," standing up I moved back to my original seat next to Simmons. Smiling at me she turned in her seat and pulled her knees up to her chest. "Can I ask you a question?" The British voice said. Biting her upper lip as I nodded she asked, "What's the Walmart incident?"

Oh. THAT question.

"Well, I-uh- it's- a umm, long story."

"I've got time silly," giggled the brunet.

"Alright," I sighed. "It happened when I was ten..."


"Young lady would you stop doing that!!" Grandpa scolded for the umpteenth time that day. "People might see!" They were of course at Walmart getting a few knickknack sand groceries, and Zoë still didn't comprehend that people couldn't know about her superpowers.

"Ok grandpa I'll stop." Said the little ten year old Zoë Lee-while crossing fingers laid behind her back as if they really did help something happen. "Oh grandpa," she called out, "may I please go look at the books?"

Her little brown eyes were large and the hair around her face fell into her eyes. She really knew how to persuade people.

"Alright," the aging scientist said giving in. Hopping up and down to the book section as innocent as a kitten. Well, almost. Plopping herself in front of the children's book she opened a book up and waited for a waiting victim to walk among the bookshelves. After about ten minutes of no people showing up, a middle age woman came up to the little angel. "Do you need something little girl?" The woman seemed so genuine, so nice, so unaware. A think blue bubble formed around the two and the lady screamed while her left hand shot up to her chest. She then passed out on the cold hard floor.

The little girl didn't know what to do. Dissolving in air, she walked around until she found her grandfather, and pretended that the past moment didn't happen.

*end of flashback *


Nodding towards Simmons I noted (it's a YJ season two thing 😁😍Beast Boy is so adorable-I'm rambling so I'll stop now) that Fizt was also staring at me like a she-devil. Buuut I guess I totally understand that.

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