chapter 4.

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Rachel's POV

"Slut," I heard a skinny brunette call me as I walked down the halls of my new school. It was barely my second day and people were already calling me names.

I glanced around and to my surprise, saw mostly every pair of eyes on me. I shifted my binder and math book awkwardly onto my other arm and began to walk faster.

I could hear people talking about me by the hushed murmurs, glares, and scowls on their faces. I got to my locker as quickly as possible. I spun it quickly, putting the combination in without messing it up. I pulled open the locker and stuffed my binder and math book inside while getting my compostion book for language arts.

I turned around only to be greeted by yet another unfriendly face. The girl standing in front of me was average height, with dyed blonde hair, that looked very fake, and hazel eyes. She wore shorts that barely covered anything and crop top that barely made it past her chest.

"um, can I help you?" I tried my best to be polite. I smiled a forced smile and she only matched my expression.

"Actually you can. Stay away from Steven," she hissed at me, her eyes narrow. I scoffed, since when have I ever flirted with Steven?

"Why would I even want to be near him? He's an asshole," I replied smoothly. Her eyes narrowed even more which I didn't even think was possible.

"Don't say that about my boyfriend," her tone was as sharp as a knife, causing me to be a little scared. I didn't let it show and snorted at her. I walked off without another word.

Her and her little group of friends stand there until the blonde storms off, her friends following. I go down the hallway again while people still talked about me. I suddenly felt very insecure and ducked my head down. I walked to my language arts class without lifting my head up once.

I finally made it to the classroom and made my way inside. I was about to sit somewhere random until the teacher told everyone to stand around the classroom. I stood next to one of the nice kids in the classroom and they smiled at me.

Mrs. Leyba walked to the first table and started calling out names of where people would sit. Mrs. Leyba said you can pick any seat from your table, as long as you won't talk too much.

I looked around the classroom and saw that unfortunately Steven was in my class. He smirked at me and eyed me up and down. I could feel my cheeks heat up. I move so that Steven could no longer look at me.

The teacher moved on to the next table and called out four names. "Rachel, Jose, Karla, and Steven." I groaned inwardly and made my way to the table. I was the first to get there so I got to pick my seat first. I sat down and waited for everyone else to sit down.

Karla, who was the quietest girl in our grade, sat down across from me and smiled. I returned the smile and started thinking. Since we're the only two girls then that means we both have to sit by one of the boys.

I groaned again, this time out loud. I saw the boys walking towards us and Jose grabbed the seat next to Karla, which only meant that Steven had to sit next to me.

Steven finally reached the table and smirked at me before getting into his seat. He stared at me, his brown ryes boring into my blue ones. I stared back before my face started to crack into a smile. I quickly changed my expression and kept staring.

He leaned in, and I leaned back. I thought he was trying to kiss me. But when his mouth found my ear, I realized I was wrong.

"You looked hot last night when I saw you," I felt him smirk into my hair. I could feel my cheeks turning red. I scoffed at his comment.

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