Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The room was hazily lit; I could tell that much with my eyes closed. I didn’t move an inch as I slowly opened my eyes to the back of Alex’s head, the jagged cut hair tousled ridiculously from last night. My eyes wondered over to his ear, a skull and cross bones took up all the space there, just like mine. I wanted to touch it but before I could stop myself I felt a wave of fatigue take over as I shut my eyes.

 When I came around again, the bed was empty and the faint patter of running water hummed through the room. I stretched out gingerly, brushing my hair away from my eyes, last night’s events rushing through me and without even thinking about it I smiled.

 I sat up in the bed making sure the sheets were covering most of me, leaning over I grabbed my disarrayed bag for my phone. Three missed calls and twelve texts, all from Kyra.

“It went fine,” I replied, “best night of my fucking life.”

 Just before I pressed send, a door opened and I glanced up.

Alex stood in the doorway smiling at me; only a towel covered his waist while his lean body was decorated in water droplets.

Hmm, sexy.

“Morning,” he breathed, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge, his legs slightly, suggestively.

“Hey,” I smiled back, dropping my phone into my bag and moving my hands to pull back my hair.

“Do you need to get going?” He moved up, sitting next to me, our arms brushing. I looked at the little worry crease in his eyebrows, maybe a good sign?

“No, only if you want me too...” I trailed off, never wanting this to end. Alex’s eyes widened,

“No, no, I don’t want you to go, stay all day if you want.” He smiled, leaning into me and resting his damp head on my lap. I gently stroked his uneven hair, running it through my fingers as he sighed appreciatively.

“Okay then, I’ll stay,” I whispered, the room seeming like a little world for just Alex and me.

“Want to go grab some breakfast?” He mumbled, his voice sending vibrations straight through my skin, while his hands moved to brush over the tops of my covered thighs.

“Sounds good,” I said, still brushing through his hair with the tips of my fingers. Alex gave a quite moan, his fingers starting to rub against the join of my thighs. I swallowed the shivers that coursed through me, his hands warmth penetrating through the thin sheet covering my legs. His fingertips brushing over my core so slightly I groaned.

“Tease,” I whispered, his face shoot up from my lap, smiling like a naughty little boy.

“Hmm,” He muttered, before kissing me gently, his hands gently stroking between my thighs again, waves of pleasure building up my body.  I moved my hands down to his, pushing them away,

“Breakfast?” I asked, laughing, Alex sat up frowning; I pushed his hair away from his eyes and frowned too.

“What?” I asked, confused, but Alex jerked his head in the direction of his crotch.

“You got ‘little Alex’ all excited, I’m either gunna ask for your help or sit it out…” He had sighed but I had already pulled his towel away.

We’d taken another hour before I had finally pulled myself away from Alex long enough to grab a shower. After much discussion on the pros and cons of sharing a shower, I convinced him I wouldn’t be long. After I wrapped myself up in a towel, I brushed my hair through with my fingers and smiled at my reflection through the steamy mirror.

I looked happy.

My eyes were bright and the little mascara I had left framed my iris, the bluest I’d ever seen them. Brushing my hair back I glanced at the deep purple hickey, smiling and not caring how I’m going to have to explain it to Kyra.

I went back through his room to find it empty, frowning I moved to the bed where a pile of clothes and a note was left.

Gone to star bucks, back soon, how about a pyjama day? X

His handwriting was neat, but careless. Just like him, I guess.

Pulling the shirt up from the pile, I laughed at the writing scribbled across it.

“Think this is hot, you should see the guy I’m with,”

Pulling on my underwear, the shirt and a pair of massive string shorts, I decided to nose around a bit when I heard a door open.

“Tam? You there?” He called, as I pulled open the bedroom door open and walked towards the stairs.

“Yeah, where are you?” I called in wonderment as I looked around the house for the first time. The stairs led off from a massive landing, directly into a sitting room, white and black décor with a fancy sound system, games, TV and a fireplace. This room alone was bigger than the whole of my apartment, let alone just one room. Alex walked through an archway across the room, grinning at me as he held up two cups of coffee and a Starbucks bag, grabbing my hand and offering a drink he led me back into his kitchen.

Just like the other room it was up to date and shiny, I didn’t want to touch anything in fear I might break it and not be able to pay it back, even with a year’s worth of wage.

“Nice shirt,” he appraised, sitting at a breakfast bar as I sat in the seat opposite him. I giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows,

“My thoughts exactly,” I murmured, sipping the hot drink.

So this is what a one nightstand is like? I pondered on it for a while, before I started to worry.

We sat in a comfortable silence for ages before I finally burst out, not being able to keep any of my thoughts to myself.

“This isn’t a normal one night stand is it?” I whispered, looking away from coffee and into his eyes, quirking an eyebrow he questioned me.

“What do you mean?” He asked, puzzled,

“I’m not an expert here, nor am I saying that you are too. But it’s just, from what I know it’s… I don’t know, the girl gets up and leaves, maybe leaves a number but not always.” I sighed uncomfortably, hating myself for making me look naïve, a little school girl.

His face gave nothing away; he just looked at me, taking in what I had said.

“I’ve never in my life met someone on a one night stand that I feel something for afterwards, I don’t want to scare you off Tam but, I honestly really like you.”

My eyebrows shot up at his sudden confession, my head spun ludicrously at the thought of this beautiful boy wanting to be with me.

“I like you too,” I murmured, again captured by the darkness of his eyes, loving how he could make me shiver.

“Whatcha want to do today then? Movies or Video games if you’re up for it?” I smiled at his boyish grin,

“Movies and video games sound great,” I laughed as he, pulled out two muffins from the bag, handing me one whilst raising his.

“To new friendships and great sex,” He smiled; tapping mine against his, I kissed his cheek,

“Cheers to that.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2012 ⏰

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