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This is dedicated to Sanjanamehra for always commenting so much on all my stories and encouraging me to continue writing, a simple thank you will never be enough so here, I hope this shows how much I appreciate you, my lovely virtual soulmate

Harshad's POV-

It was early hours in the morning when I stepped off the treadmill, I had been working out for two hours now and couldnt wait to get in the shower to cook down, I bent down to tighten my laces only to jump when I heard a voice from behind me

"How do you manage to do all that exercise" Jenny laughed, throwing a towel my way

I smiled, grabbing the towel and wiping the sweat from the back of my neck, Jenny was kind, sociable and so easy to get along with but majorly opposite from me, she was confident, I was not, she was loud and bubbly and I was quiet and often stood to the side at busy events. Yet we still managed to get along and we quickly shared a bond that I had never shared with a co-actor before.

Jenny cleared her throat "I hate to be a pain, but would it be to much to ask for a lift to work, my car is currently in the garage" she smiled again, her cheeks slightly red

"Sure, I just need to shower, ill meet you out front" I nodded my head to the direction where my car was before walking away, turning around again to see Jenny looking my way with a confused expression, her eyes travelled up my body then she looked away quickly


I sighed heavily looking at my watch then looked back up at the traffic, "We may be a little late"

Jenny didnt reply, her head bopping to the song on the radio "Havana oh na na" she stopped as I looked her way and let out a giggle "Sorry, I love this song"

Without thinking I reached for the radio to turn it up, only for my fingers to skim across hers, she smiled and then dropped her hand, I looked down at my hand, clenching and unclenching my fingers at the unusual warmth

"You seem to be in a very smiley mood this morning" I noted making her blush, weirdly it was a common occurence whenever I noticed something about her

"Its been a good morning" Jenny muttered under her breath, turning her head to glance out of the window like she was trying to avoid my question

"Its a good way to start the morning, the gym always makes me have a better mindset" I agreed, her brows furrowed like I hadn't understood what she meant but I thought better to let it go, we were finally at work


I jumped onto the sofa nearest to me and closed my eyes, having just finished a scene with Jenny, I was tired, we had to do a few retakes due to both of us laughing, I peered open an eye as I felt someone sit beside me, I glanced down at her phone smiling at the #JenShad tag on her phone

She looked my way and then put down her phone "Sorry, I didnt know you were awake"

"Its okay, was just resting my eyes, I get the same tag on my instagram, fans are great aren't they, ill never know how they manage to see things that aren't there"

I noted her smile dropping "Ah yeah, things that aren't there" she stood up, brushing her clothes quickly with her hands and then walked away

I wondered what I had said wrong, hoping to catch her later and discuss it, the last thing I wanted was to have negative energy on sets, not that either of us would let it ruin the show, I just didnt want to let it ruin our friendship


"Kya tha woh havana" I turned to face Jenny who smiled at me, tipping her head to the side, the flower in her hair making her eyes sparkle in a way that caught me off guard, I had never known eyes to sparkle that way

"Havana oh na na half of my heart is in havana" she paused, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear before laughing again, it was good to see her happy, a sad look on her face didnt sit well with me

"Hey, about earlier" I scratched the back of my neck "If I did something to offend you, im sorry"

Jenny smiled, rubbing my arm "No, not at all, we're good" she smiled again making me stop in the moment, then she waved to someone behind me

I turned to see Sehban, he leant forward slapping my back "Hey man", I returned the favour before stepping back

"Hey cutie, your taxi awaits" Sehban smiled at Jenny before wrapping an arm around her and walking toward his car

I looked down at the ground, kicking the floor as I watched them both laugh together so carelessly, I couldnt help but wish it was that easy for me, shaking my head I went to walk outside when Jenny came running back in

"I just wanted to say thanks for the lift before" she squeezed my hand

"No problem, cutie" I brushed past her, waiting to walk out with her only to see that she had frozen in place, looking at me with an unreadable expression on her face, had I overstepped the line? "Are you okay" I peered down at her

"Yeah, yeah of course you've just never called me that before" Jenny glanced up at me, her brown eyes slightly darker than usual

"Sorry, I just"

"No" she interrupted "Its good, I just didnt expect it" she wrapped an arm around my waist and I had to hold my breath as her flowery perfume threatened to intoxicate my senses, then she was gone before I could even hug her back

Shaking my head I let out a laugh before walking to my car, glad to know that we were okay again, so quickly had she become a part of my life that the thought of having her upsett with me left me reeling

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